- If already completed, you can find these Instances at the appropriate Reflecting Pool.
- Many of these Quests/Instances are from the Epic Quest line.
- Anyone using either
Gift of the Valar Package or Blessing of the Valar Upgrade Package to accelerate to level 50 or 95 respectively, will have bypassed all of these Quests/Instances.
- This Quest/Instance is often skipped as it is part of the Epic Hobbit Prologue and therefore does not appear in the relecting pool - The Quest chain begins in Little Delving with Mundo Sackville-Baggins.
- This Quest/Instance is often skipped and therefore does not appear in the relecting pool - begin the quest chain with a Item: Posted Bill in Bree.
- These two instances must have been completed SOLO! IF you have completed the quests in a Group, when you check the Reflecting pool, you will be offered a quest for the Solo version. Accept that quest and then run the Instance.
- If you have the quest Year 3 Trifles: This Time with Feeling I underway, you can perform your handstand for Ivar here as well
- HINT: You will need to play the solo versions of the following instances:
- Red-pass
- Retake Weathertop
- Note: The solo versions of the instance at the reflection pool may be hidden until you have completed the fellowship quests. Once you accept the fellowship quest(s), you will be able to access the solo version. Once you have completed the solo instance that you want to run, you can either cancel or complete the fellowship quest(s). This change to the reflecting pool was made in order to allow players who had already completed one version of the quest to have access to both.