Quest:The Southern Visitor

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The Southern Visitor
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Dumûri Warrior
Starts at Girhâzi's Lodge
Start Region Ambarûl
Map Ref [21.8S, 80.9W]
Ends with Ningêna
Ends at Sûru
End Region Ambarûl
Map Ref [27.3S, 77.5W]
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley: Ambarûl
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Hashtal-gûr, <name>. My captain, Ningêna, sent me to seek you out. She would like you to consider helping a man from Khûd Zagin to the south. He is insistent, and I feel she finds him rather irksome. She requests that you come to speak with her at the Wrackwade.'


Ningêna has sent a Dumûri to find you and relay her request for you to come talk to her at the Wrackwade.

Objective 1

You should travel to the Wrackwade and talk to Ningêna.

Ningêna: '<name>, there you are. I see my warrior found you. Your willingness to return is appreciated.'