Quest:Gathering Lumber

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Gathering Lumber
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Ningêna
Starts at Sûru
Start Region Ambarûl
Map Ref [27.3S, 77.5W]
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley: Ambarûl
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'There is another thing you could do for me if you wish. Some trees have been felled north-east of here for the building of our fortress. These have not yet been collected. If you could gather them, there is a pile near the building site to which they may be added.'


Trees have been felled to the north-east of Sûru for the building of the Dumûri fort. The logs have yet to be collected.

Objective 1

Ningêna has asked you to collect logs and deposit them in a pile near the archers' towers at Sûru.

Ningêna: 'Some trees have been felled to the north-east for building our fortress. If you would gather them, there is a pile near the building site to which they may be added.'
Collected logs (6/6)

Objective 2

You have collected the logs. You should deposit them in a pile near the archers' towers at Sûru.

Objective 3

You have placed the logs you collected at the building site. You should return to Ningêna.

Ningêna: 'The logs were collected and have been added to the pile? Thank you <name>, this will speed the builders' work nicely.'