Quest:Instance: A Captive Audience

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Instance: A Captive Audience
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Girhâzi
Starts at Girhâzi's Lodge
Start Region Ambarûl
Map Ref [21.8S, 80.9W]
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley: Ambarûl
Reflecting Pool Ambarûl Reflecting Pool
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

A Captive Audience
"Khûldim Umûn, the former overseer of Ambarûl under the Empire of Ordâkh, is believed to know the location of the Dubarâkh, a hidden library storing the knowledge of the lost history and culture of Ambarûl. Girhâzi has an idea to get her prisoner to reveal the location."


Girhâzi has an idea for how to get Khûldim Umûn to divulge the location of the lost archive, and she needs your help.

Objective 1

Girhâzi has a plan to get Khûldim Umûn to divulge the location of Dubarâkh. You should talk to her.

Girhâzi: 'Remember, just go along with whatever I am saying.'

Objective 2

  • Follow Girhâzi

Girhâzi has a plan to get Khûldim Umûn to divulge the location of Dubarâkh, and has asked you to go along with whatever she is saying.

Khûldim Umûn says, "Back again, Shêgudam?"
Khûldim Umûn says, "I am bored with our chats."
Khûldim Umûn says, "They are very repetitive."
Girhâzi says, "Yes, I am back, and this time my friend is with me."
Greet Khûldim Umûn

Objective 3

  • Wave at Khûldim Umûn

Girhâzi has a plan to get Khûldim Umûn to divulge the location of Dubarâkh, and has asked you to go along with whatever she is saying.

Objective 4

  • Listen to the conversation

Girhâzi has a plan to get Khûldim Umûn to divulge the location of Dubarâkh, and has asked you to go along with whatever she is saying.

Khûldim Umûn says, "I am surprised you have friends."
Khûldim Umûn says, "But why should I care?"
Girhâzi says, "You should care because my friend is a powerful warrior who has slain countless Ordâkhai."
Show Khûldim Umûn that you are powerful

Objective 5

  • Flex at Khûldim Umûn

Girhâzi has a plan to get Khûldim Umûn to divulge the location of Dubarâkh, and has asked you to go along with whatever she is saying.

Objective 6

  • Listen to the conversation

Girhâzi has a plan to get Khûldim Umûn to divulge the location of Dubarâkh, and has asked you to go along with whatever she is saying.

Girhâzi says, "Do you know why you were left here, and did not go with the rest of the army?"
Girhâzi says, "It is because you are weak."
Girhâzi says, "My friend, on the other hand is a hero of the Pelennor..."
Girhâzi says, "...and stood with the Host of the West at the Black Gate."
Girhâzi says, "<name> has slain many, and has no problem slaying one more."
Show Khûldim Umûn how courageous you are

Objective 7

  • Pose for Khûldim Umûn

Girhâzi has a plan to get Khûldim Umûn to divulge the location of Dubarâkh, and has asked you to go along with whatever she is saying.

Objective 8

  • Talk to Girhâzi

Girhâzi has a plan to get Khûldim Umûn to divulge the location of Dubarâkh, and has asked you to go along with whatever she is saying.

Girhâzi: Girhâzi signals that she wants to talk to you, but makes no effort to keep her words unheard by Khûldim Umûn.
'I was planning on ransoming him and sending him back to his family once we learned where the archive is, but if he is not going to tell us, what do you think of giving the people of Ambarûl what they want? Public executions are so distasteful though. We could even make it a fair fight, you against him. It would end the same.'

Objective 9

  • Listen to the conversation

Girhâzi has a plan to get Khûldim Umûn to divulge the location of Dubarâkh, and has asked you to go along with whatever she is saying.

Khûldim Umûn says, "No! No, you do not need to do that."
Girhâzi says, "Do I? What do you think <name>?"
Challenge Khûldim Umûn to single combat

Objective 10

  • Challenge Khûldim Umûn to trial by combat

Girhâzi has a plan to get Khûldim Umûn to divulge the location of Dubarâkh, and has asked you to go along with whatever she is saying.

Objective 11

  • Listen to Khûldim Umûn

Girhâzi has a plan to get Khûldim Umûn to divulge the location of Dubarâkh, and has asked you to go along with whatever she is saying.

Khûldim Umûn says, "It is in a mine!"
Khûldim Umûn says, "A salt mine, to the north of here."
Khûldim Umûn says, "I can mark where it is on a map."
Applaud Khûldim Umûn for his decision

Objective 12

  • Clap for Khûldim Umûn's decision

Girhâzi has a plan to get Khûldim Umûn to divulge the location of Dubarâkh, and has asked you to go along with whatever she is saying.

Instance: A Captive Audience
Girhâzi: Girhâzi grins at you.
'Come, <name>, we are done here for now.'