Quest:Across the Ikorbân

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Across the Ikorbân
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Raphûz
Starts at Sûru
Start Region Ambarûl
Map Ref [26.5S, 77.1W]
Ends with Raphûz
Ends at Jirush
End Region Khûd Zagin
Map Ref [36.7S, 80.5W]
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley: Ambarûl
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'My friend, I move south across the Bridge of Sílabal tomorrow. Tonight, if you will, join me so we may speak one last time before I make this new journey.

'I grow weary of my choice to chase my parent's wishes. Then, there is the hope that I may see Ashâmi again.'


Raphûz informed you he is moving south across the Bridge of Sílabal to a new post. Before his departure he wants to talk over a smoke.

Objective 1

Raphûz asked you to join him for a smoke and conversation in the Wrackwade camp.

Raphûz: 'Join me in the evening by the fire. We will share another smoke and discussion.'

Objective 2

After a good conversation and a full night, Raphûz moved on to Khûd Zagin. You should seek him at Jirush.

Raphûz: 'It is good to see you well, my friend. I pray your journeys have not changed who you are. For you are the best of us.'