Quest:Flowers of the Floodplain

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Flowers of the Floodplain
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Raphûz
Starts at Sûru
Start Region Ambarûl
Map Ref [26.5S, 77.1W]
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley: Ambarûl
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I would like to acquire something showing my softer side. A would-be merchant here lost a shipment of vases to an Ordâkhai patrol on the west side of the bridge. I learned there is a place along the banks of the dry river-bed where the heartiest flowers still bloom. I want to collect some and help the would-be merchant. Alas, my recent excursions with you drew the notice of other Phetekâri, and I cannot leave my post.

'Would you help me again, friend? I think a dozen flowers and a vase from the camp at Eshadûr, west and north across dry river will suffice.

'Perhaps you could punish the Ordâkhai as well.'


Raphûz learned the softer side of Shagâni courting and wants to work toward making an impression. He wants to collect hearty flowers from the river-banks west of Wrackwade, near Eshadûr, and a vase from the bandit encampment at Eshadûr.

Objective 1

  • Collect marsh lilies from the river-banks in Ambarûl (0/12)
  • Collect a relic vase from Eshadûr
  • Defeat Ordâkhai bandits at Eshadûr (0/12)

Raphûz asked you to make your way along the dry river-bed searching for marsh lilies. He also asked you to collect a vase taken by Ordâkhai bandits at Eshadûr to the north and west.

Collected marsh lilies (12/12)
Collected a relic vase from Eshadûr
Ordâkhai bandits defeated (12/12)

Objective 2

Raphûz awaits your return at Wrackwade with the vase, lilies, and news of the bandits' defeat. Return to him at the southern outpost of Ambarûl.

Raphûz: 'They are as beautiful and hardy as described. Thank you for doing this, my friend. I am grateful. I am also certain the would-be merchant will be thankful for returning some of the product.
'I know the fighters here will rejoice in the thinning of Ordâkhai ranks. I continue to ask too much of you. Thank you, sincerely.'