Quest:The Slow Hunt

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The Slow Hunt
Level 130
Type Solo
Starts with Bráthur
Starts at Khadâsh-gâra
Start Region Elderslade
Map Ref [33.6N, 59.0W]
Quest Group Elderslade
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I sense that a life so quaint is not your way, traveller.

'For my part, I find there is much joy to be found in simple tasks. Take setting traps, for instance. It is like an even easier... and even slower sort of fishing!

'Here, set these traps about outside Khadâsh-gâra. Perhaps you'll find something unexpected in the work!'


One of the Want-kin, Bráthur, is an accomplished trapper and enjoys hunting the beasts of Elderslade.

Objective 1

Khadâsh-gâra can be found in eastern Elderslade.

Bráthur has asked you to set traps on the outskirts of Khadâsh-gâra.

Objective 2

Bráthur can be found at Khadâsh-gâra in Elderslade.

You have set many traps on the outskirts of Khadâsh-gâra. You should return to Bráthur.

Bráthur: 'You chose a few spots that I would not have, but... all in all, you have done well.
'It is a relaxing pastime, is it not?'