Quest:The Cost of Corruption

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The Cost of Corruption
Level 130
Type Solo
Starts with Borghild
Starts at Malkorlash
Start Region Elderslade
Map Ref [40.7N, 62.1W]
Quest Group Elderslade
Reflecting Pool War of Three Peaks Reflecting Pool
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

The Angmarim sorceress Brágha Fellwinder has discovered a way to enhance the power, ferocity, and madness of the deadly Warg. She must be stopped before she is able to pass on this knowledge or expand her capabilities.


Brágha Fellwinder must be defeated before she can pass on her fell knowledge.

Objective 1

Brágha Fellwinder has gone to the tower of Caivád Sâr, in central Elderslade.

You should defeat Brágha Fellwinder before she can pass on the knowledge of the crystals and the corruption her spells bring.

Bragha Fellwinder says, "What? Who dares?!"
Bragha Fellwinder says, "Natmoz, kill!"
Bragha Fellwinder says, "You fool! What have you done? My exile was nearly over!"
Bragha Fellwinder says, "I was going... home...."

Objective 2

Borghild is in the Angmarim tower of Caivád Sâr in central Elderslade.

Talk to Borghild.

Borghild: 'Well done, friend. Gunvald was right about your prowess. I suspect many will be the songs that sing of your glory when this is all over.'