Quest:The Long Reach of Gundabad

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The Long Reach of Gundabad
Level 130
Type Solo
Starts with Darfin
Starts at Hanksar-mokh
Start Region Elderslade
Map Ref [37.5N, 68.6W]
Quest Group Elderslade
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Oh, thank goodness you've come!

'I was on my way to report that I found a number of Orkish trebuchets and ballistae among the outer defences of Gundabad, and then some sneaky little goblin caught sight of me. After that, well, the odds were against me!

'You know as well as I that a proud dwarf does not surrender! But... it is not an admission of defeat to buy one's self time to think! I broke my bonds not one minute after the Orcs threw me in this cage, but escaping this filthy camp will take more than just strength.

'Why don't you destroy some of those siege-engines? That ought to get the Orcs riled up... and distracted enough to take their eyes off me!

'Do not worry! I'll find somewhere safe... just not here!'


Within the twin encampments of Hanksar-mokh and Kulûg-mokh, terrible siege-engines stand ready to fire on any who would dare to approach Mount Gundabad.

Objective 1

  • Destroy Orkish trebuchets at Hanksar-mokh and Kulûg-mokh (0/6)
  • Destroy Orkish ballistae at Hanksar-mokh and Kulûg-mokh (0/4)

Orkish trebuchets and ballistae can be found in Hanksar-mokh and Kulûg-mokh.

Darfin has asked you to destroy the siege-engines deployed in Hanksar-mokh and Kulûg-mokh. You should destroy Orkish trebuchets and ballistae.

Objective 2

  • Completed

You have destroyed many Orkish trebuchets and ballistae at Hanksar-mokh and Kulûg-mokh.

You have destroyed many Orkish trebuchets and ballistae at Hanksar-mokh and Kulûg-mokh.
In addition to aiding the Gabil'akkâ, you also provided Darfin ample opportunity to escape his predicament unscathed.