Lóssi is a Longbeard guard-captain from the Iron Hills.
Lóssi (Hammerstead)
Lóssi stands behind his men, holding the western point of Hammerstead in the Iron Hills.
Quest Involvement
Lóssi (Annâk-khurfu)
Lóssi has come to Elderslade with the Gabil'akkâ to wrest Gundabad from the hands of Gorgar the Ruthless. He can be found on the lower level of the Keep of Annâk-khurfu, waiting on word from a scouting party he recently dispatched.
Quest Involvement
Lóssi (Máttugard)
With the Gabil'akkâ moving into Gundabad, Lóssi has taken command of the small outpost of Imrêkh-guthlu in Máttugard.
Quest Involvement