Quest:Ally of History

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Ally of History
Level 130
Type Solo
Starts with Léothred
Starts at Erebor
Start Region Erebor
Map Ref [13.7N, 135.2W]
Ends at Skarháld
End Region Ered Mithrin and Withered Heath
Map Ref [35.3N, 46.5W]
Quest Group Elderslade
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'<name>, do you suppose that Scatha's necklace is still in Erebor after all these years, or did Thráin throw Fram's missive out of his hall?'

You explain, oddly enough, that you have encountered the necklace once before, or at least part of the necklace. The missive had indeed been kept by Thráin and left forgotten in Erebor until you had come to the Dale-lands recently. You suggest visiting Fróthi the Lore-master in Erebor as he is well versed in the history of Scatha, the Worm.

'Fascinating! I knew that you were the right <class> to call upon! I thank you for this story, my friend. Come, let us speak with this Lore-master, Fróthi.'


Léothred, the Rohirric scholar, discovers another ally in the quest for knowledge.

Objective 1

Fróthi can be found in Erebor.

You should talk to Fróthi in Erebor.

Fróthi: 'Ah, <name>! It is good to see you again! Your friend Léothred searches to pen the true tale of Scatha and Fram? Do not think me rude but I would say if a Man or dwarf were to pen this tale alone, it would not be the truth. The history of that Man and worm still pains both our peoples.
'Hmm, perhaps then, we should all work together! I myself have always been puzzled with the written history of Scatha and Fram. If there is more to the story, and I would expect there is, then what is to stop us from finding it?
'I will accompany you, if you'll have me. I will bring with us what remains of the necklace. I should warn you though, our journey will most likely have to take us to the Grey Mountains, where Fram's body was found. We will be at the doorsteps of war.'

Objective 2

Léothred can be found in Erebor.

You should talk to Léothred in Erebor.

Léothred: 'Working together may be the best way to complete the tale of Scatha and strengthen the bond between dwarves and Men. Fróthi, your knowledge will be most valuable. I would be honoured if you were to accompany us on this journey.
'Let us depart for Skarháld when we are all ready to leave.'
NOTE: When you continue this quest, you will swiftly travel to Skarháld in Ered Mithrin.

Objective 3

Fróthi can be found in Skarháld.

You should talk to Fróthi in Skarháld.

Skarháld is busy with dwarves running about in preparation

Objective 4

  • Talk to Fróthi in Skarháld

Fróthi can be found in Skarháld.

You should talk to Fróthi in Skarháld.

Fróthi: 'We should be careful going forward, my friend. The dwarves that gather at Skarháld, do so for war. Aye, a conflict is certainly coming with Gundabad.
'We should gather what supplies we need, and prepare for what lies ahead.'

Objective 5

  • Gather supplies in Skarháld (0/6)

Supplies can be found throughout Skarháld.

You should gather supplies for Fróthi and Léothred.

Objective 6

  • Bring the supplies to Léothred in Skarháld

Léothred can be found in Skarháld.

You should bring the supplies to Léothred in Skarháld.

Léothred: 'Thank you for gathering these much needed supplies. These will be crucial to our search for truth.
'Our journey is about to bring us ever closer to conflict. I believe that we are all in agreement to press on.'