Quest:Shelter from the Storm

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Shelter from the Storm
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Rothog the Storm
Starts at Dâr Laja
Start Region Umbar Baharbêl
Map Ref [18.7S, 97.5W]
Ends with Dabôr the Breaker
Ends at Hulzidâr
End Region Kamrabezûr
Map Ref [116.0S, 137.6W]
Quest Group Umbar-môkh: Kamrabezûr, the Vaults
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'It is good that you have come. As your prowess and fame has spread throughout the land, I find myself in need of your services. Beneath the arena, in the catacombs, there is a small encampment known as Hulzidâr. The people that live in that encampment are considered under my protection and may require aid.

'Go to Hulzidâr, speak to Dabôr the Breaker, a former gladiator, and see how you might assist these people whom I hold dear.'


Rothog has requested that you venture into the catacombs, and visit a small encampment beneath the Arena called Hulzidâr. He has asked you to speak to Dabôr the Breaker, a former gladiator from Dahâl Huliz, the leader of the camp, and assist them in any way that you can.

Objective 1

  • Talk to Dabôr the Breaker within Hulzidâr, beneath the arena

Beneath Dahâl Huliz, there is a small settlement in the catacombs that has been established by Rothog.

He requested that you seek out Dabôr the Breaker to see how you might be of some assistance.

Dabôr the Breaker: 'Ah, <name>! The Storm had mentioned that he might be sending an extra set of hands. To be blunt, our position is dire. Between the cultists to the north, the group of gladiators that left the camp after stealing much needed supplies, and the twisted Dead further into the tunnels, I fear we may have a good deal of work for you, if you might be willing.
'Thank you for coming to assist us.'