Quest:Explore Ghâr Mejet

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Explore Ghâr Mejet
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Yâshri
Starts at Ghâr Mejet
Start Region Kamrabezûr
Map Ref [116.0S, 139.9W]
Quest Group Umbar-môkh: Kamrabezûr, the Vaults
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'We do not know much about Ghâr Mejet. While we know the restless dead haunt this place, we have yet to explore the area more closely.

'Could a capable adventurer such as yourself explore its chambers and report on your findings?'


Ghâr Mejet is a vile place within the underground. Explore its chambers and report your findings to Yâshri.

Objective 1

  • Explore the south-western chamber
  • Explore the south-eastern chamber
  • Explore the north-eastern chamber
  • Explore the north-western chamber

Ghâr Mejet is a vile place within the underground. Explore its chambers and report on your findings.

Explored the south-western chamber
Explored the south-eastern chamber
Explored the north-eastern chamber
Explored the north-western chamber

Objective 2

  • Explore the main chamber

The main chamber of Ghâr Mejet is the vilest place in the area. Explore its chambers and report on your findings.

Explored the main chamber

Objective 3

  • Talk to Yâshri outside of Ghâr Mejet

Inform Yâshri of your findings.

Yâshri: 'This information should be useful for any future forays and as a warning to those who might wander too closely to this place.
'Your work has saved the lives of our peoples, and I cannot thank you enough.'