Quest:Those Who May Be Gone

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Those Who May Be Gone
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Iphita
Starts at Hulzidâr
Start Region Kamrabezûr
Map Ref [116.0S, 137.6W]
Ends with Azrât
Ends at Kên Taghlim
End Region Kamrabezûr
Map Ref [113.6S, 139.3W]
Quest Group Umbar-môkh: Kamrabezûr, the Vaults
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'<name>, several of our refugees went to go scavenge for supplies. While we have warned them of the dangers of going near Jâx Ugikh, they wished to be of some assistance. One of our scouts saw that they headed north towards Jâx Ugikh and we fear the worst.

'Could you see if you can locate them and return them home safely?'


Several refugees have gone missing recently while exploring north of the settlement looking for supplies. Seek out the refugees and see if you can return them to their home.

Objective 1

  • Rescue ambushed refugees (0/5)

Several ambushed refugees have been lost near Jâx Ugikh. Please aid them and return them home.

Rescued ambushed refugees (5/5)

Objective 2

  • Talk to Azrât in Kên Taghlim

Azrât is an archivist in Kên Taghlim and an aid to our cause. Seek her out and let her know about what is happening in Jâx Ugikh.

Azrât: 'Luckily, the refugees should have made their way to safety. I fear that perhaps the cultists might be gathering them for use in a foul ritual. By returning them home, hopefully they will warn others to not be as careless.
'Thank you not letting these folks fall into the cult's clutches.'