Quest:Blinding the Eye

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Blinding the Eye
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Azrât
Starts at Kên Taghlim
Start Region Kamrabezûr
Map Ref [113.6S, 139.3W]
Quest Group Umbar-môkh: Kamrabezûr, the Vaults
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'While many of the cultists near Jâx Ugikh represent a threat to those who dwell in this place, there are two powerful leaders who endanger all of our encampments below the city. Ghamêla and Hênakh have driven their followers to horrific acts that endanger this entire portion of the catacombs.

'Can you travel to Jâx Ugikh, locate Ghamêla and Hênakh and drive them from this place?'


Defeat the leaders of the cultists spread throughout Jâx Ugikh. Ghamêla and Hênakh have long been a scourge to this place for some time.

Objective 1

Defeat the leaders of the cultists spread throughout Jâx Ugikh. Locate and defeat Ghamêla and Hênakh.

Defeated Ghamêla
Defeated Hênakh

Objective 2

  • Talk to Azrât in Kên Taghlim

Inform Azrât in Kên Taghlim and let her know that Ghamêla and Hênakh have been defeated.

Azrât: 'Ghamêla and Hênakh have long been a scourge in this place. It is said that many refugees and people attempting to eek out a life beneath the city have fallen victim to their cruel whims.
'While not safe, these foul cultists should take a good deal of time to reorganize after losing their leadership.
'Thank you. You have saved many countless lives this day, and my expedition is safe because of it.'