Quest:Powerful Darkness

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Powerful Darkness
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Yâshri
Starts at Ghâr Mejet
Start Region Kamrabezûr
Map Ref [116.0S, 139.9W]
Quest Group Umbar-môkh: Kamrabezûr, the Vaults
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'A powerful creature known as Lâkhmar stalks the halls of Ghâr Mejet. Destroying the vile effigies throughout the area will make him more vulnerable to harm.

'Seek out these objects, destroy them, and drive back the foul creature.'


A powerful creature stalks the halls of Ghâr Mejet. Destroy vile effigies in the area and confront the creature.

Objective 1

A powerful creature stalks the halls of Ghâr Mejet. Destroy vile effigies in the area and then confront the creature.

Destroyed vile effigies (3/3)

Objective 2

  • Defeat Lâkhmar

Confront Lâkhmar and drive the foul creature away.

Defeated Lâkhmar

Objective 3

  • Talk to Yâshri

Talk to Yâshri and inform her that the creature has been felled. Yâshri can be found just north of Ghâr Mejet.

Yâshri: 'With Lâkhmar being dispatched, Ghâr Mejet may pose less of a threat to the people who dwell below the streets.
'Thank you for aiding in this most important task.'