Quest:Lingering Blight

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Lingering Blight
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Azrât
Starts at Kên Taghlim
Start Region Kamrabezûr
Map Ref [113.6S, 139.3W]
Quest Group Umbar-môkh: Kamrabezûr, the Vaults
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'While exploring the area, I noticed that the cultists near Jâx Ugikh seem to have some sort of objects that seem to be exuding corruptive energies. These corrupted relics might spread their influence throughout the region.

'Could you travel to Jâx Ugikh and destroy any of these objects that you find?'


Cultists within Jâx Ugikh are said to have collected a series of befouled artifacts from the area. Locate these objects and destroy them.

Objective 1

Seek out and destroy relics that are said to be corrupting the ground near Jâx Ugikh.

Destroyed corrupted relics (5/5)

Objective 2

  • Talk to Azrât in Kên Taghlim

Return to Kên Taghlim and inform Azrât that the corrupted relics have been destroyed.

Azrât: 'With these corrupted relics destroyed, the influence from these cultists will not spread further throughout the region. While it was dangerous work, you have made it safer for the denizens of this place.
'Thanks again for all of your help.'