Quest:Quieting North of Derndingle (V2)

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Quieting North of Derndingle
Level 95
Type Solo
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Quickbeam
Starts at Derndingle
Start Region Entwood
Map Ref [42.1S, 79.1W]
Quest Chain Fangorn
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

When we marched on Isengard, the forest was awoken. It is very angry with the actions of the wizard we trusted. Too angry, I cannot calm it myself.

'Please tend the forest north of Derndingle.'

This quest is in the Fangorn category: You have currently completed 1 / 1 quests in this category today.


When the Ents decided to march to war, the forest awoke, angry and betrayed. With Isengard destroyed, Quickbeam is attempting to calm Fangorn and quiet it once more.

Objective 1

  • Tend the forest north of Derndingle

Quickbeam has asked you to quiet the forest north of Derndingle.

Midges have infested the forest north of Derndingle
Defeated Midges (0/10)

Objective 2

Quickbeam is at Derndingle in south-east Fangorn.


'The forest is safer.'