Quest:A Tale My Mother Told

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A Tale My Mother Told
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Raphûz
Starts at Jirush
Start Region Khûd Zagin
Map Ref [36.7S, 80.5W]
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley: Khûd Zagin
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'My friend, while I recuperated from the wounds received by the teeth and tusks of the boar, my mother shared the story of how my father won her over.

'It was a simple tale. My father proved he would do anything for her and her love by meeting each challenge her father placed before him. I will do the same.

'I intend to learn about Nirgambâr from the people of Jirush. Will you aid me as you did in the encampment outside of the Wrackwade?'


Raphûz decides to pursue wealth and asks you to help him determine if there are truly riches near Jirush he can acquire to pay Igbâl's price.

Objective 1

Raphûz has chosen to pursue the cost Igbâl put on pursuing Ashâmi's hand. He wants to learn all he can from the people of Jirush about the Tomb of Nirgambâr before he ventures there.

You learned about Nirgambâr from residents in Jirush (6/6)

Objective 2

You visited many of the inhabitants of Jirush and enquired about the Tombs of Nirgambâr. It sounds like a terrible place. You should return to Raphûz at his camp in Jirush with the information.