Quest:Wealth of the Dead

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Wealth of the Dead
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Raphûz
Starts at Jirush
Start Region Khûd Zagin
Map Ref [36.7S, 80.5W]
Quest Group Ikorbân Valley: Khûd Zagin
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'I will find some time to leave my work aside and make my way to the tombs. I learned there is an entrance into the depths at the far north-west area after a walkway lined with ancient pillars.

'Meet me just beyond the last of the pillars. I will wait for you there. Together we will claim great wealth.'


Raphûz reflected on the information about the wealth in the Tombs of Nirgambâr and asks you to meet him there to acquire the amount needed to meet Igbâl's request.

Objective 1

  • Make your way to the last pillars leading into Nirgambâr

Raphûz requested you meet him in the deepest part of Nirgambâr to seek wealth from the Dead that make the tombs their home.

You made your way into Nirgambâr and found Raphûz

Objective 2

You found Raphûz in the ruins of Nirgambâr. He is prepared to find wealth among the Dead here. Work with him and find the wealth he desires.

Raphûz: 'I am ready to proceed if you are, my friend. I know if you are by my side, I cannot fail.'

Objective 3

Raphûz claimed to have acquired enough wealth from the Dead to meet Igbâl's request. He asked you to meet him back at his home in Jirush to discuss further.

Raphûz: 'This should command Igbâl's attention and earn me his respect. With your aid, I have done all he asked. Surely, he will provide his blessing to me.'