Bestowal Dialogue
Facing His Fear
"Raphûz asked you to assist him in facing his greatest fear."
In order to prove their mettle Raphûz and Ashâmi were tasked by Numûru to prove their abilities while confronting their fears. Raphûz must face a fearsome boar in Imhûlar.
Objective 1
- Speak with Raphûz to begin the hunt for Urkhêru
- Assist Raphûz on the hunt for Urkhêru
Raphûz prepares to enter the ruins where the great boar is said to stalk. Let him know when you are ready to proceed.
- Raphûz: 'My fear of these beasts is much diminished. I have you to thank for this my friend. Let us make haste. I want to return to Ashâmi as quickly as we can.'
- Raphûz says, "Let us begin the hunt, my friend."
- Raphûz says, "No beast describing Urkhêru's size bedded here."
- Raphûz concedes the boar is not here
Objective 2
- Speak with Raphûz to continue the hunt for Urkhêru
- Assist Raphûz in his hunt for Urkhêru
You and Raphûz search the ruins for signs of Urkhêru but find nothing.
- Raphûz: 'Not here. No matter, we will find the beast.'
- He looks at you and smiles.
- 'We have come far, you and I. To think, it was only a short while ago I feared these creatures so much. With your assistance I learned there is little to fear.
- 'Ashâmi finds my stories of travelling with you amusing. She is a marvellous woman.'
- He stares off for a moment.
- 'Come, friend. We have a pressing matter at hand.'
- Raphûz says, "Come, <name>, we will find this creature yet."
- Raphûz says, "No sign of a beast as large as described here either, I fear."
- Raphûz concedes the boar is not here
Objective 3
- Speak with Raphûz to continue the hunt for Urkhêru
- Assist Raphûz as he hunts for Urkhêru
You and Raphûz search the ruins for signs of Urkhêru but find nothing.
- Raphûz: 'The beast is not here, my friend. It is proving very elusive.'
- He smiles genuinely.
- 'I have something to confess, <name>. On the road from Shonith to Urmâkh Ashâmi, in a quiet moment, shared a kiss.'
- He blushes.
- 'It was... amazing. In the quiet moments, even now as we hunt, I find my thoughts drifting to her. I only hope she feels for me as I feel for her.'
- He shakes his head.
- 'Enough talk like this. Let us continue.'
- Raphûz says, "We will not rest until we find this creature. Let us go."
- Raphûz says, "There is still no sign of this beast. We will need to look further along."
- Raphûz concedes the boar is not here
Objective 4
- Speak with Raphûz to continue the hunt for Urkhêru
- Assist Raphûz in the hunt for Urkhêru
You and Raphûz search the ruins for signs of Urkhêru but find nothing.
- Raphûz: 'My friend, I am beginning to think this large boar Numûru speaks of is another Shagâni myth.
- 'Were Ashâmi here, she would tell me, 'Raphûz you must exercise patience and understand the mysteries of Shagâna reveal themselves when they are prepared, not you.
- He grins.
- 'She is a very wise woman. We should continue, so I can get back to her.'
- Raphûz says, "Look there, ahead. Do you see it? It is massive. This must be Urkhêru."
- Raphûz stops short and looks ahead spotting Urkhêru
Objective 5
- Speak with Raphûz to engage Urkhêru
- Assist Raphûz in defeating Urkhêru
After a short advance through the ruins, Raphûz stopped and spotted the beast, Urkhêru. He appears to be awaiting your signal to conclude the hunt.
- Raphûz: 'There it is my friend, the beast they call Urkhêru. It is as Ashâmi says, patience in all things.
- 'Let us make this a merciful and quick kill. I wish to return to Urmâkh and check on Ashâmi.'
- Raphûz says, "Let us be swift and true, my friend."
- Raphûz says, "Well done, my friend. We are a fearsome pair of warriors."
- You and Raphûz have slain Urkhêru
Objective 6
You found and killed Urkhêru. Raphûz looks pleased with your success. Speak with him.
- Raphûz: 'Another battle and story to enter into my journal. I never imagined my life to be filled with such adventure and challenges. I feel pride, my friend.
- 'Perhaps my first steps into the valley were for my parents and their legacy. Now, however, every step I take is my own. I have you, your advice, your assistance, and I daresay your companionship to thank.'
- He chuckles.
- 'Come, let us return to Ashâmi.'