Quest:Burgeoning Business

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Burgeoning Business
Level 147
Type Solo
Repeatable Daily, 5 times
Starts with Keteph
Starts at Jax Phanâl
Start Region Cape of Umbar
Map Ref [14.3S, 114.1W]
Quest Group Cape of Umbar
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'If I had a large enough stick, my friend, I would be driving customers away with swift swings. Alas, I have a mind meant for cooking and so my destiny is to be this outpost's chef.'


Keteph's culinary ascent continues. Demand for his stuffed crab shells has increased, and he asks yet again that you help him to acquire more materials for a new recipe.

Objective 1

Keteph's continued success weighs upon him, and he makes another request of you regarding the crabs that walk the shores south and west of the outpost of Jax Phanâl. He asks that you gather meat, shells, and claws from the crabs and then return to him at Jax Phanâl.

Collect crab shells (8/8)
Collect delectable crab meat (8/8)
Collected intact crab claws (8/8)
Keteph: 'With the right mix of herbs, spices, and other additives I will create a true feast fit for those loving this crusty critter. Thank you again for your assistance.'