Quest:Recovering the Manifest

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Recovering the Manifest
Level 147
Type Solo
Starts with Girgish
Starts at Jax Phanâl
Start Region Cape of Umbar
Map Ref [14.6S, 113.8W]
Quest Group Cape of Umbar
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'The goods and materials the Haradrim stole from the caravan cannot remain in their possession. I must admit that the news of their robbery came as a surprise, and I was caught without the manifest of goods on the caravan. While you assist me with these efforts, could you find the site of the attack and locate the manifest, if it survived? Once you have done that, I ask that you recover whatever materials might be salvaged from the Haradrim camp.'


Khôltekh's emissary wants you to find the destroyed delivery caravan and the manifest it was carrying. Once recovered, you are to find the items listed within the Haradrim camp.

Objective 1

  • Find the ravaged caravan

The guard's report suggested that the caravan was ambushed by the Haradrim while travelling the south road. Search along the road for signs of the ambushed caravan.

Girgish: 'Could you find the site of the attack and locate the manifest, if it survived? Once you have done that, I ask that you recover whatever materials might be salvaged from the Haradrim camp.'
You found the ravaged caravan

Objective 2

You have discovered the caravan. It was clearly ambushed, the cargo stolen, and all occupants are missing. You should set about finding the manifest.

Collected the caravan manifest

Objective 3

  • Return the items to Girgish at the crest of Jax Phanâl
  • Recover food crates (0/8)
  • Recover the ornate cruet
  • Recover the sealed document case
  • Recover ornate weapons (0/12)

The manifest lists the items aboard as eight crates of food, an ornate cruet meant as a gift, a sealed document case, and twelve ornate weapons. Perhaps the Haradrim have them within their camp to the east. You should venture there in search of these items.

Girgish: 'It appears that you have recovered every article taken from the caravan. This is a triumph, <name>. I would not have expected such good fortune even had I organized a party of our own guards. Even then it is likely something would have been missing.
'This is no slight against those within the outpost, just that I believe they are not as careful with the belongings of others as they should be.
'Your efforts are deserving of a reward.'