Quest:Infusion from the North: The Proper Outer Layer

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Infusion from the North: The Proper Outer Layer
Level 150
Type Solo
Starts with Keteph
Starts at Swain's Guild-hall
Start Region Umbar Baharbêl
Map Ref [21.3S, 97.3W]
Quest Group Umbar Baharbêl
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Tastes in Umbar are fickle. The aristocracy constantly strives to find something new to tempt their stomachs and tantalize their desires. 'The source of the new flavour typically does not matter. My crab dishes, for example, were a mere play on traditional fare long-served in my hometown of Jax Phanâl.

'I have been thinking. In the north, you have leavened bread. Leavened bread is a treat we do not often see. Yet, I desire to use a taste of the northlands and the standard fare of my home to create a delicacy that will sate the desires of the epicurean elite in Umbar.

'I require bread from the north. I am told there is a grain growing wild and on farms those from the north call barley. We shall begin there. I will require five loaves of barley bread. 'Will you assist me?'


Keteph asks for your assistance in creating a dish that satisfies the desires of the Epicurean elite in Umbar. He desires a sturdy bread to support his latest creation.

Objective 1

Acquire five loaves of barley bread from cooks through trade or auction and return them to Keteph at the Swain's Guild-hall in Umbar Baharbêl. Apprentice cooks can bake Barley Bread.

Collected a loaf of Barley Bread (5/5)

Objective 2

  • Return the loaves of Barley Bread to Keteph at the Swain's Guild-hall

Acquire five loaves of barley bread from cooks through trade or auction and return them to Keteph at the Swain's Guild-hall in Umbar Baharbêl. Apprentice cooks can bake barley bread.

Keteph: 'Most excellent, my friend.'
He sniffs the bread and makes a face.
'Hmm, I expected something... more. This has almost no discernable scent. No matter, it is a taste of the north. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.'
He beams brightly.