Quest:Managing the Menace

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Managing the Menace
Level 147
Type Solo
Starts with Girgish
Starts at Jax Phanâl
Start Region Cape of Umbar
Map Ref [14.6S, 113.8W]
Quest Group Cape of Umbar
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'We must respond, but Nimish is correct that we do not have the forces to spare in a direct confrontation with the Haradrim. By the looks of you, you might be able to handle such a force on your own... is it true?

'Our people are in danger, and I believe you wish to make a name for yourself here? If that is the case, then please, save the captured prisoners held against their will in the Haradrim camp of Grijâti to the south. It is west off the road, along the beach.'


Girgish instructed you to venture to the Haradrim encampment of Grijâti to rescue captives taken in the attack on the caravan. The Haradrim camp of Grijâti is west of the road that goes south from Jax Phanâl.

Objective 1

  • Rescue Jax Phanâl captives from the Haradrim encampment

You must head south along the road and then make your way west toward the Haradrim encampment of Grijâti to search for the captives taken from the attack on the caravan. Rescue the eight travellers and return to Girgish at Jax Phanâl.

'Girgish: 'You will find an encampment of Haradrim west of the road that runs south of town, near the shore. I know you will use caution in rescuing the citizens of our settlement.'
Citizen says, "Thank you, stranger."
Citizen says, "Thank you. I will return to Jax Phanâl."

Objective 2

  • Return to Girgish at Jax Phanâl

You successfully rescued eight of the caravan captives. Return to Girgish at Jax Phanâl and tell her of your success.

Girgish: 'Every one of the citizens you saved paid a visit to either the magistrate or myself, and each of them spoke highly of your valour. In turn, I gathered rewards to repay the considerable risk you undertook on their, and our, behalf.'