Quest Talk:Burgeoning Business

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Is everyone else having as much trouble collecting these things as I am? For "Demand Absent Supply" I was able to sweep the shore north of Jax Phanal once and get everything. With this quest, I swept that beach, logged off long enough for respawning, and did that three more times just to get the shells and meat, and I did not get a single crab claw until after I had gathered everything else, and then only the one. I worked my way down the beach on the western coast and I found one hot spot, about halfway between the two towns, right around where "Khaphar" intersects the beach, where I got 5 in fairly quick succession. I kept working my way south and got almost all the way to Rakhatab before I got the last couple of claws.

So, are there any secrets to doing this quicker, or should one just expect to have to kill 100 crabs or more to complete this quest once? Rpw1066 (talk) 14:53, 26 January 2025 (UTC)

No, there is no shortcut.... I always had the most luck at the southwestern part of the shores, closer to Rakhatab. PS I would continue completing the quests, it has a nice follow-up quest chain with Keteph - Tiberivs (talk) 17:52, 26 January 2025 (UTC)

Thanks for that. Yeah, I am after the recipe, only discovered its existence from seeing the resulting food for sale at AH. Rpw1066 (talk) 22:16, 26 January 2025 (UTC)