Quest:Are You Strong Enough?

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Are You Strong Enough?
Level 147
Type Solo
Starts with Stúkha
Starts at Jax Phanâl
Start Region Cape of Umbar
Map Ref [14.6S, 114.0W]
Quest Group Cape of Umbar
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'Stalking the shore to the north and west, Imkhâs the Cleaver stalks and terrorizes travellers. Do not be deceived. Imkhâs is no ordinary foe. It is a crab of extraordinary size and strength. Many have fought the creature, and many have fallen or never returned.

'Perhaps you will be the lucky one to retrieve the creature for me. Are you willing?'


Stúkha told you to search the beach for a particular crab, then subdue the crab and return it to him at his post in Jax Phanâl.

Objective 1

Make your way to the north from the dock along the shoreline and look for an ancient and enormous crab there. It is called Imkhâs the Cleaver. Defeat the crab and return it to Stúkha.

Stúkha: 'Do you fear the hunt ahead? If not, head out of the city to the west and hug the shoreline north in search of the great crab, Imkhâs. Defeat the creature and return it to me. Alive.'
Imkhâs the Cleaver stands before you prepared to fight.
Imkhâs clacks her claws and readies to attack!
You defeated and collected Imkhâs the Cleaver
You have captured Imkhâs the Cleaver

Objective 2

  • Return Imkhâs the Cleaver to Stúkha at Jax Phanâl

You defeated Imkhâs. Collect the crab, which now hides in its shell, and return her to Stúkha at the crest of Jax Phanâl.

Stúkha: 'This crab is Imkhâs? It looks pitiful. It must be sad that you defeated it. I would be also, should you ever best me in a battle. You have done as I asked and given me what I needed. Thank you, friend. This creature has a purpose. You will see. I will train it to be stronger than it is now, and it will entertain the masses in Umbar Baharbêl.'