Quest:Demand Absent Supply

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Demand Absent Supply
Level 147
Type Solo
Repeatable Daily, 5 times
Starts with Keteph
Starts at Jax Phanâl
Start Region Cape of Umbar
Map Ref [14.3S, 114.1W]
Quest Group Cape of Umbar
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'You again, thanks be to all! I am in a bind, my friend. You see, my feast was a success. Too much a success!'

'I simply cannot meet the demand I am seeing for this recipe by myself! I wonder, would you be willing to help me get more of the precious crab meat from the crabs along the shore?'


Keteph's feast was a success, but now there is a demand for his cooking that he did not anticipate. He needs more crab meat, and asks you to help with the newfound demand for his skills.

Objective 1

Keteph requested you return to the shore to collect more ingredients. His feast was successful, and his culinary skills are in high demand! The people require a new recipe to sate their hunger, and the key ingredient is crab. Head to the shores south and west of Jax Phanâl, collect delectable crab meat crab shells and return them to him.

Collect crab shells (8/8)
Collected intact crab claws (8/8)
Keteph: 'These will do nicely. I know it seems foolish to look at such success as an unwanted gift. Mind you, I am pleased, and the new wealth will suit me and mine well. Please return, I will undoubtedly have more work for you.'