Peafowl (Cosmetic)

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Cosmetic Pet Index

A list of Peafowl cosmetic pets available and how to obtain them.

Item Skill Acquired from Barter Cost
Tome of the Black Peahen Black Peahen Caltha Tunnelly 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Tome of the Black Peacock Black Peacock Caltha Tunnelly 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Tome of the Blue Peacock Blue Peacock Summer Rewards Vendor 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Tome of the Blue Peahen Blue Peahen Summer Rewards Vendor 60 Farmers Faire Tokens
Tome of the Green Peacock Green Peacock Summer Festivity Token Vendor 20 Festivity Tokens
Tome of the Green Peahen Green Peahen Summer Festivity Token Vendor 20 Festivity Tokens
Tome of the White Peacock White Peacock Keeper of Mysteries or

Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootbox

1000 Motes of Enchantment

Tome of the White Peahen White Peahen Keeper of Mysteries or

Gorgoroth Steel-bound Lootbox

1000 Motes of Enchantment
