Goblin-town Quests in Order
Goblin-town Quests In Order
This guide describe Goblin-town-related quests sorted to streamline required travelling. Which is also very much in the order they are encountered if following the suggested sequence of locations listed below.
Almost all quests start at various locations outside Goblin-town. Initial quests start in Rivendell and Vindurhal. Many start at Northern High Pass Camp, just outside the main entrance. And a few start at the Slave Pens, not far inside the main entrance. See each quest's walk-through for tips. Note that some quests are not available until level 45.
Good luck and lots of fun!
See Directions for navigation tips within Goblin-town.
Bilbo Baggins, in the Hall of Fire in the Last Homely House
Nogmeldir in Vindurhal in Northern High Pass
- The quest-chain Dire Pack Quests - make sure you have completed it before you start the Goblin-town quests.

Glóin at Northern High Pass Camp outside Goblin-town
- Goblins at the Gate - also pick up button for Bilbo's Buttons deed to the right of the first ramp
- Passage to Darkness - complete and return to Glóin outside GT. Wait on returning to Bilbo until My Dwarf Friends and Preparing for the Dark much later
- Order from the Darkness - kill goblins just inside entrance until you find the item, return to Glóin
- Down, Down to Goblin-town
- A Missing Scout
- Other Prisoners - pick up Stirring Up Trouble but don't start on it yet, see below
- Keepers and the Kept - pick up Drummers in the Deep but don't start on it yet, see below
- Memory of the Wargs
- Complete quests, return to Glóin, and pick up quests.
Goblin Tunnels (second level)
- Stirring Up Trouble - get Pike and return
Slave Pens
- Stirring Up Trouble - finish and pick up quests
- Plan in Motion - also pick up Shiny Button for Bilbo's Buttons in Dâgal's chamber
- Leaders of the Deep
- Rumours of the North - also pick up Scratched Button for Bilbo's Buttons
Slave Pens
- Plan in Motion - finish and pick up quests
Slave Pens
Goblin Town (third level)
Goblin-town Throne Room / Great Goblin's Den
- Leaders of the Deep
- Aklash, the Leader of Soldiers - Small Fellowship
- Rakothúrz and Horm - Small Fellowship
- The Emissary - Small Fellowship
- A Great Goblin - Small Fellowship
Slave Pens
- Matuga and the Jailor's Key - finish quests
- The Great Escape