Quest:Keepers and the Kept

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Keepers and the Kept
Level 45
Type Solo
Starts with Oghûk the Hooligan
Starts at Slave Pens in Goblin-town
Start Region Misty Mountains
Map Ref [20.3S, 5.4E]
Quest Group Misty Mountains
Quest Chain The Great Escape
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'I want out of this prison, <race>. I do not belong here, locked up. I will help you drive out the nasty Orcs if you help me.

'I need the key to this cell. Look for the jailors, kill them, and take their keys. If you free me, I will help you.'


The goblin Oghûk wants you to help him escape from his cell.

Objective 1

  • Collect Plain Keys (0/12)

Goblin-jailors can be found in the dungeons of Goblin-town.

Oghûk believes that the jailors in the Goblin-town prison have the keys to his cell. He wants you to kill the jailors and find the keys. Only after you free him will he help you.

Oghûk the Hooligan: 'One of these jailors must have the keys to my cell!'

Objective 2

Goblin-jailors can be found in the dungeons of Goblin-town.

Oghûk believes that the jailors in the Goblin-town prison have the keys to his cell. He wants you to kill the jailors and find the keys. Only after you free him will he help you.

Oghûk the Hooligan: 'No keys to my cell? Curse the name of Kaushar! Curse him by the darkest things in the earth! Curse him!
'I must think. I will gnaw the rat's guts out!'