Armour Sets (Level 81-90) Index

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Set Name Min Level Item Level Acquired From
Armour of the Erebor Roar 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Armour of the Erebor Hide 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Armour of the Erebor Claw 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Roar 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Hide 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Claw 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Armour of the Hytbold Roar 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Armour of the Hytbold Hide 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Armour of the Hytbold Claw 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Set Name Min Level Item Level Acquired From
Armour of the Erebor Striker 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Armour of the Erebor Custodian 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Armour of the Erebor Fighter 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Striker 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Custodian 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Fighter 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Armour of the Hytbold Custodian 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Armour of the Hytbold Fighter 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Armour of the Hytbold Striker 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Set Name Min Level Item Level Acquired From
Armour of the Shadow-walker 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions
Armour of the Erebor Knife 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Erebor Mischief-maker's Armour 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Armour of the Erebor Gambler 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Knife 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Erebor Mischief-maker's Armour 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Gambler 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Armour of the Hytbold Knife 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Armour of the Hytbold Gambler 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Hytbold Mischief-maker's Armour 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Set Name Min Level Item Level Acquired From
Battle-leader's Armour 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions
Armour of the Erebor Leader 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Armour of the Erebor Healer 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Armour of the Erebor Charge 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Leader 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Healer 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Charge 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Armour of the Hytbold Leader 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Armour of the Hytbold Healer 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Armour of the Hytbold Charge 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Set Name Min Level Item Level Acquired From
Armour of the Deathstorm 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions
Armour of the Erebor Storm 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Erebor Berserker's Armour 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Erebor Champion's Armour 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Storm 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Erebor Berserker's Armour 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Erebor Champion's Armour 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Armour of the Hytbold Storm 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Hytbold Berserker's Armour 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Hytbold Champion's Armour 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Set Name Min Level Item Level Acquired From
Shield-master's Armour 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions
Armour of the Erebor Shadow-fighter 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Armour of the Erebor Defender 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Keen Erebor Armour 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Shadow-fighter 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Defender 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Keen Erebor Armour 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Armour of the Hytbold Shadow-fighter 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Armour of the Hytbold Defender 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Keen Hytbold Armour 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Set Name Min Level Item Level Acquired From
Far-arrow's Armour 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions
Armour of the Erebor Bowmaster 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Armour of the Erebor Trapper 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Erebor Huntsman's Armour 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Bowmaster 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Trapper 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Erebor Huntsman's Armour 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Armour of the Hytbold Bowmaster 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Hytbold Huntsman's Armour 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Armour of the Hytbold Trapper 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Set Name Min Level Item Level Acquired From
Lore-keeper's Armour 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions
Erebor Armour of the Animal-friend 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Armour of Erebor's Fury 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Ancient Erebor Armour 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Greater Erebor Armour of the Animal-friend 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Armour of Erebor's Fury 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Ancient Erebor Armour 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Armour of Hytbold's Fury 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Ancient Hytbold Armour 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Hytbold Armour of the Animal-friend 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Set Name Min Level Item Level Acquired From
Armour of the Erebor Blade 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Armour of the Erebor Rover 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Armour of the Erebor Sailor 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Blade 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Rover 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Sailor 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Set Name Min Level Item Level Acquired From
Armour of the Hopeful Melody 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions
Erebor Armour of Resolve 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Erebor Song-protector's Armour 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Armour of the Erebor Skald 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Greater Erebor Armour of Resolve 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Erebor Song-protector's Armour 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Skald 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Armour of the Hytbold Skald 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Hytbold Song-protector's Armour 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Hytbold Armour of Resolve 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Set Name Min Level Item Level Acquired From
Rune-maker's Armour - 85 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions
Armour of the Erebor Thunder-caller 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Armour of the Erebor Cleanser 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Armour of the Erebor Peace-caller 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Thunder-caller 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Cleanser 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing [Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Peace-caller 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Armour of the Hytbold Thunder-caller 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Armour of the Hytbold Cleanser 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Armour of the Hytbold Peace-caller 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Set Name Min Level Item Level Acquired From
Armour of the Wall-warden 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions
Armour of the Erebor Spear 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Armour of the Erebor Shield 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Armour of the Erebor Fist 85 97 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions after completing Erebor raids (Tier 1)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Spear 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Shield 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Greater Armour of the Erebor Fist 85 102 Barter for Marks and/or Medallions and Erebor Raid Rare Drops after completing Erebor raids (Tier 2)
Armour of the Hytbold Spear 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Armour of the Hytbold Shield 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Armour of the Hytbold Fist 85 125 Rebuilding Hytbold
Set Name Min Level Item Level Acquired From
Set Name Min Level Item Level Acquired From
Set Name Min Level Item Level Acquired From

Note: Items with a * on the Min Level are quest rewards that do not have a minimum level. The level listed is the level of the quest.

Additional Information

Stats in item indexes are abbreviated according to this guide.

For older armor sets that are no longer obtainable, see Retired Armour Sets.