Armour of the Erebor Cleanser

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This level 85 Rune-keeper armour set is acquired by bartering Marks and Medallions. To barter for this set you must have completed the deed In Defence of Erebor - Tier 1.


Barterer: Light Armour Vendor (Skirmish Camp)

Note: Only barterable after completion of In Defence of Erebor - Tier 1.

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade

 Helm of the Erebor Cleanser 978 Marks 299 Medallions
 Shoulderpads of the Erebor Cleanser 1,118 Marks 328 Medallions
 Jacket of the Erebor Cleanser 1,304 Marks 374 Medallions
 Gloves of the Erebor Cleanser 978 Marks 299 Medallions
 Leggings of the Erebor Cleanser 1,118 Marks 328 Medallions
 Boots of the Erebor Cleanser 1,304 Marks 374 Medallions


Helm of the Erebor Cleanser
Shoulderpads of the Erebor Cleanser
Jacket of the Erebor Cleanser
Gloves of the Erebor Cleanser
Leggings of the Erebor Cleanser
Boots of the Erebor Cleanser

Total Stats

Including set bonuses

Stat Total
Armour 11,598​
Vitality +672​
Will +1,908​
Fate +237​
Critical Rating +751​
Finesse Rating +2,652​
Tactical Mastery Rating +2,864​
Maximum Power +94​
Pulses to Wrath of Fire +2



This set shares a cosmetic appearance with the following sets: