Heavy Armour (Level 111-120) Index

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Name Min Level Item Level Armour Stats

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Name Min Level Item Level Armour Stats

 Reinforced Enduring Pauldrons of the Adventurer 140 461 53,371 1 Essence, +7339 Might, +10576 Vitality, +2752 Fate, +51486 Block Rating
 Reinforced Pauldrons of the Adventurer 140 461 53,371 1 Essence, +10094 Might, +2752 Fate, +45239 Phys Mastery


Name Min Level Item Level Armour Stats

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Name Min Level Item Level Armour Stats

No items



Name Min Level Item Level Armour Stats

No items


Name Min Level Item Level Armour Stats

 Strong Gauntlets of Mordor's Bane 115 330 7,657 +684 Might, +855 Vitality, +380 Fate, +4562 Crit Def, +12 LoE
 Articulated Gauntlets of Thorin's Strength 115 340 9,442 1 Essence, +833 Might, +729 Vitality, +416 Fate, +4253 Finesse, +20 LoE
 Kharum-ubnâr Gloves of Might 120 368 2,197 +304 Might, +374 Vitality, +94 Fate, +1284 Crit Rating, +1418 Crit Def
 Reinforced Enduring Gauntlets of the Adventurer 140 461 89,693 1 Essence, +7339 Might, +10576 Vitality, +2752 Fate, +50939 Crit Def
 Reinforced Gauntlets of the Adventurer 140 461 89,693 1 Essence, +10094 Might, +5765 Vitality, +6420 Fate, +27333 Finesse


Name Min Level Item Level Armour Stats

No items


Name Min Level Item Level Armour Stats

 Burnished Greaves of the Towers 112 326 17,391 1 Essence, +789 Might, +639 Vitality, +394 Fate, +3728 Crit Rating, +10 LoE
 Burnished Greaves of the Wyrm 115 337 12,371 1 Essence, +681 Might, +794 Vitality, +2944 Crit Rating, +7386 Crit Def, +18 LoE
 Burnished Greaves of Thorin's Memory 115 340 19,838 1 Essence, +720 Might, +938 Vitality, +5003 Parry Rating, +3353 Tact Mit, +20 LoE
 Enduring Greaves of the Dwarf-holds 115 362 29,330 1 Essence, +841 Might, +1034 Vitality, +15583 Block Rating
 Kharum-ubnâr Leggings of Might 120 368 3,698 +304 Might, +374 Vitality, +1926 Resistance, +849 Inc Heal Rating, +1789 Evade Rating
 Reinforced Enduring Greaves of the Adventurer 140 461 150,693 2 Essences, +7339 Might, +6726 Vitality, +41202 Block Rating, +30806 Evade Rating
 Reinforced Greaves of the Adventurer 140 461 150,693 2 Essences, +12857 Might, +4800 Vitality, +19382 Phys Mastery


Name Min Level Item Level Armour Stats

No items


Name Min Level Item Level Armour Stats

 Hardened Sabatons of Thorin's Memory 115 340 7,252 1 Essence, +667 Might, +938 Vitality, +5003 Parry Rating, +5003 Evade Rating, +20 LoE
 Enduring Sabatons of the Dwarf-holds 115 350 10,733 1 Essence, +641 Might, +831 Vitality, +11880 Parry Rating
 Heavy Greyflood Wading Boots 120 359 1,751 +375 Might, +369 Vitality, +631 Crit Rating, +1078 Phys Mastery, +876 Evade
 Reinforced Enduring Sabatons of Stonehelm 120 370 13,083 2 Essences, +1295 Might, +1202 Vitality, +7221 Parry Rating, +4537 Tact Mit
 Reinforced Sabatons of Stonehelm 120 370 13,083 2 Essences, +2266 Might, +858 Vitality, +485 Fate
 Reinforced Enduring Sabatons of the Adventurer 140 461 72,477 2 Essences, +7339 Might, +6726 Vitality, +41202 Parry Rating, +25347 Tact Mit
 Reinforced Sabatons of the Adventurer 140 461 72,477 2 Essences, +12857 Might, +4800 Vitality, +2752 Fate

Additional Information

Stats in item indexes are abbreviated according to this guide.

Heavy Armour is crafted by Metalsmiths.