Armour of the Hytbold Fighter

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This level 85 Brawler armour set is acquired by obtaining  Tokens of Hytbold from the quest [85] Aiding the Eastemnet and its associated daily quests. Bartering for each piece requires completion of a specific quest but pieces can be equipped by anyone of sufficient level.


Barterer: Wigstan in Hytbold

Item(s) to Receive Item(s) to Trade
 Helm of the Hytbold Fighter 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Norcrofts Tents: Enhancements I
Item:Shoulderpads of the Hytbold Fighter 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Norcrofts Tents: Rebuild
Item:Breastplate of the Hytbold Fighter 20 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Mead Hall: Interior Enhancements III
Item:Gloves of the Hytbold Fighter 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] Farmhouse of the Sutcrofts: Inhabitants
Item:Leggings of the Hytbold Fighter 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Smithy: Inhabitants
Item:Boots of the Hytbold Fighter 10 Tokens of Hytbold [85] The Library: Enhancements II
