Medium Armour (Level 81-90) Index

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Name Min Level Item Level Armour Stats

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Name Min Level Item Level Armour Stats

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Name Min Level Item Level Armour Stats

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Name Min Level Item Level Armour Stats

 Jacket of Deception 86* 136 5,156 +196 Agility, +338 Vitality, +657 Crit Def, +1094 Parry Rating
 Jacket of Lies 86* 136 5,156 +236 Agility, +281 Vitality, +118 Fate, +438 Finesse


Name Min Level Item Level Armour Stats

No items


Name Min Level Item Level Armour Stats

 Sturdy Ent Gloves 82* 91 1,966 +230 Agility, +216 Vitality, +851 Parry Rating
 Cenglofas 82* 94 1,997 +234 Agility, +110 Vitality, +737 Crit Rating, +703 Phys Mastery
 Wardglofas 82* 94 1,997 +234 Agility, +220 Vitality, +868 Finesse
 Gloves of the Encroaching Winter 85* 96 2,028 +237 Agility, +223 Vitality, +748 Crit Rating, +713 Phys Mastery
 Gloves of Expulsion 86* 136 2,520 +196 Agility, +338 Vitality, +118 Fate, +438 Parry Rating
 Gloves of Removal 86* 136 2,520 +236 Agility, +281 Vitality, +558 Crit Rating, +887 Phys Mastery
 Kharum-ubnâr Gloves of Agility 90 149 564 +93 Agility, +112 Vitality, +29 Fate, +392 Crit Rating, +437 Crit Def
 Steadfast Gloves of Fate 100 192 1,264 +171 Agility, +205 Vitality, +136 Fate


Name Min Level Item Level Armour Stats

No items


Name Min Level Item Level Armour Stats

 Kharum-ubnâr Leggings of Agility 90 149 953 +93 Agility, +112 Vitality, +588 Resistance, +262 Inc Heal Rating, +550 Evade Rating


Name Min Level Item Level Armour Stats

No items


Name Min Level Item Level Armour Stats

 Henmaru's Ancient Boots 81* 90 1,593 +152 Agility, +686 Phys Mastery, +352 Max Morale, +90 Max Power, +1356 iCPR
 Boots of New Beginnings 83* 91 1,611 +153 Agility, +216 Vitality, +691 Phys Mastery, +1408 iCPR
 Medium Greyflood Wading Boots 90 146 446 +113 Agility, +109 Vitality, +192 Crit Rating, +326 Phys Mastery, +269 Evade

Note: Items with a * on the Min Level are quest rewards that do not have a minimum level. The level listed is the level of the quest.

Additional Information

Stats in item indexes are abbreviated according to this guide.

Medium Armour is crafted by Tailors.