The Eyes and Guard Tavern

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Special Note

The Eyes and Guard Tavern is only present when you are running a special version of the LOTRO client which has access to the Bullroarer test server enabled. Information on how to gain access to the server is available on the server's LOTRO Wiki page.

The content of this article is strictly limited to information available during public beta test periods.

During private or closed beta periods, the users who have been invited to participate in the program have access to the beta client and to the Bullroarer server are subject to a Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA). This legal agreement prohibits them from discussing all aspects of their participation in the beta program, including the content of the closed beta version of the game, and their participation in the close beta program.

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The Eyes and Guard Tavern is an out-of-character hub for beta testers on the Bullroarer test server. It houses a number of NPCs and facilities to aid in the testing process, as well as a centralized location for developers to interact with players.

The tavern can be enabled or disabled as testing requires, but when enabled, it is accessible on foot from special doors on a couple locations:

As these doors appear in both the open world and the new player tutorial spaces, any beta character can access them. Once inside, players can acquire map items to return directly to the Tavern. Should the tavern be subsequently disabled, these same maps will divert the player to Bree.

Most of the NPCs within the tavern are named for game developers, while others are copies of game NPCs from various locations.

Services and Facilities

Note: The tavern is an ever-evolving place that has seen many changes to its layout over the years. This article is meant to briefly describe its most recent incarnation.

Main Hall

The tavern's sitting area.
A few of the tavern's many doors.

The main area of the tavern is much like that of the Forsaken Inn and offers many barters and other NPC services. Down the stairs in the back of the room, there are a number of other NPCs and doors that lead to different regions.

Main Room:

NPC Description
Kehleyr E&G Tavern Introduction
Bestows a number of traits required for gameplay, including Novice, basic and War-steed Riding, and Seeker of Deep Places
Vastin Mordor Test Gear Vendor
Sells assorted gear intended for Mordor (lv 106-115)
Jinjaah Outfit Provider
Sells dyes and cosmetic outfit items, including ones otherwise locked by reputation or festivals
Maid of Lions 1-50 Level-up
Provides advancement to any selected level from 1 to 50
Pinion 51-85 Level-up
Provides advancement to any selected level from 51 to 85
Sarumango 86-150 Level-up
Provides advancement to any selected level from 86 to 150
Wilson Cosmetic Pets
Sells a number of cosmetic pets
Chiver Me Timbers Lady of Delvings and Carn Dûm
Sells class-essences, end-game Cloaks and necklaces with class-essence slots. Also barters end-game Carn Dûm items and gear for Embers
Composer Sells cosmetic instruments, including some festival ones
OnnMM Seeker of Lost Curios
Sells various recipes, barter items, and epic items associated with the Umbar Instances
Umbari Anvil Umbar Equipment
Sells various gear items from the landscape and instances of Umbar
Iceman Mapmaker
Sells travel maps to many points across Middle-earth as well as one to return to the tavern
Snowlight Racial Trait Bestower
Bestows all racial traits
Avon Mounted Combat
Moose Dwarf-holds Instance Gear
Offer barters for armour from the Dwarf-holds: the Anvil of Winterstith, Thikil-gundu, Thrumfall, and Glimmerdeep
Berthadan Hardened Traveller
Changes the difficulty of landscape mobs
Bobo Class Trait Points
Bestows various amounts of Class Trait Points
Lansu Unlocks the Bloody Watchers, the statues that allow swift travel to the top of Seregost in Agarnaith
Aubergine LP and Mithril Allowance
Offers daily quests that grant various amounts of LOTRO Points and Mithril (via acorns).
These points are usable only in Bullroarer version of the LOTRO Store.
Egg Class Weapons & Jewellery Vendor & Crafting
Sells boxes of gear for most level caps through 95 and Doomfold-tier crafting recipes
Eldorudo Armour Vendor
Sells boxes of armour and jewellery sets
Scarycrow Relic & Forge-master
Provides the services of Relic-masters and Forge-masters (as of September 2022, still offers relic services)
Fantus Money
Bestows gold
Temerity Virtues
Bestows Virtue XP items
Ransroth Reputation
Advances reputation with almost all factions in game
Budgeford Legendary Item Store
Sells assorted legendary item advancement items from the old (pre-update 30.3) legendary system
Squidtank Various Class Items
Sells class-specific equipable and consumable items for various levels
Javatar Instance Discovery Deeds
Completes discovery deeds for most instances in the game
Penfold Bloody Threshold Gear Vendor
Completes raid deeds and barters gear from Amdân Dammul, Shakalush, and the Fall of Khazad-dûm (deed only)
Svenson Adventurer's & Traveller's Quartermaster
Barters boxes of gear for greatly reduced costs for Motes and Embers of Enchantment
Drachyn Gundabad Instance Gear
Completes deeds for Adkhât-zahhar, the Houses of Rest, and barters gear from Adkhât-zahhar and the Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra
Amlug Vault-keeper
Edgecase Minas Morgul & U30 Gear
Barters boxes of legendary item advancement supplies (current system) and gear from Minas Morgul instances & the Fall of Khazad-dûm
Arbor Essences
Sells essences and boxes of essences
Dimentoad Potion-maker
Sells potions, hope tokens, and crafted food
Charvey Auctioneer

First Landing:

NPC Description
Dust Ash
Bestows Embers of Enchantment, Motes of Enchantment, and Figments of Splendor
Sells carry-alls for mithril coins

Second Landing:

NPC Description


NPC Description
Geode Moria Barter Currency
Provides Moria/Lothlórien instance currencies
Tybur LI Weapons and Class Items
Offers Figments of Splendour barters for LIs offered by Roving Threat vendors and a package of LI materials for a level 120 character
Trotter Decorations
Bestows emotes obtained from the Treasure Hunt event and sells a variety of housing decorations
Barchiril Duillond Housing Broker
Rúni Thorin's Gate Housing Broker
Nan Henwood Bree-land Housing Broker
Andy Brockhouse Michel Delving Housing Broker
Nothwen Cape of Belfalas Housing Broker
Seleflad Rohan Eastfold Housing Broker
Burginda Rohan Kingstead Housing Broker
Gárthi Lockwarden Erebor Housing Broker
Almetha Ditchel Lyndelby Housing Broker
Trennor Skirmish Advancement
Skips the Skirmish tutorial
Big Battles Beals
JWBarry Raid Deeds
Completes certain raid deeds
Tens Epic Bestower
Advances through Vol. 1 and Vol. 2 book by book
Stumpy Epic Bestower, Volume 2
Mithlin Epic Bestower, Volume 3
Advances through parts of Vol. 3
Istien Epic Bestower, Volume 4
Advances through parts of Vol. 4
MadeOfLions Black Book of Mordor Bestower
Advances through sections of the Black Book of Mordor
Orion Monster Play
Advances Monster Play ranks
Coldfells Quartermaster Field Services
Barters PvMP gear (freep)
Coldfells Heavy Armour Quartermaster Heavy Armour Vendor
Barters PvMP heavy armour (freep)
Coldfells Medium Armour Quartermaster Medium Armour Vendor
Barters PvMP medium armour (freep)
Coldfells Light Armour Quartermaster Light Armour Vendor
Barters PvMP light armour (freep)
NPC Description
Rock Barter Currency
Provides regional, instance, and skirmish currencies
Aragorn Skirmish Captain
Gollum Skirmish Trainer
Bill Legendary Items
(No inventory at present)
Pippin Weapons
Galadriel Currency Exchange
Elrond Jewellery and Cloaks
Merry Heavy Armor
Sam Medium Armor
Frodo Light Armor
Gandalf Classic
Legolas Cosmetics
Gimli Provisions
Boromir Curiosities
Bilbo Crafting

Fast travels:

Crafting Hall

The tavern crafting hall.

The crafting hall provides most of the facilities, training, and special resources needed to equip new characters and test new crafting content. The sheer size and roominess of the area also makes it a choice location for staffers to address blocking issues or distribute items not yet offered by NPCs. The crafting hall provides all crafting services as well as tracery bookshelves.

NPC Description
Rhidden Master of Apprentices
Offers enrollment in a vocation, and automated advancement to the current tier.
Mr. Alexander Master of Crafting Guilds
Offers enrollment and advancement within applicable crafting guilds.
Ayvan Crafting
Bestows carry-alls and certain rare crafting materials
Spaki Forge-master
Major Malphuntion Supplier
Brainasium Expert Cook
Trout Expert Farmer
Expert Jeweller Expert Jeweller
LinkFrost Expert Metalsmith
Scarecrow Expert Scholar
Ayngst Expert Tailor
Chronos Expert Weaponsmith
Nekros Expert Woodworker
Matthieu Jackedarmes Fishing Supplier
Cooking Bookshelf Cook recipe vendor
Farming Bookshelf Farmer recipe vendor
Jewellery Bookshelf Jeweller recipe vendor
Metalsmithing Bookshelf Metalsmith recipe vendor
Scholar Bookshelf Scholar recipe vendor
Tailoring Bookshelf Tailor recipe vendor
Weaponsmithing Bookshelf Weaponsmith recipe vendor
Woodworking Bookshelf Woodworker recipe vendor
Cooking Goods Cook ingredients vendor
Farming Goods Farmer resources vendor (seeds, fair crops, etc.)
Foresting Goods Forester resources vendor (branches, planks, etc.)
Prospecting Goods Prospector resources vendor (ore, ingots, etc.)
Scholar Goods Scholar resources vendor (lore, tomes, etc.)
Special Goods Special ingredients vendor (guild tokens, LI crafting items, etc.)
Istien Vault-keeper
Kelt Tavern Keep
Offers the inventory of a Supplier, Provisioner, and Healer, as well as tavern-only offerings such as morale potions and foods.
Destructhor Auctioneer
L12 Test Currency Offers Ancient Script and cracked & shattered traceries of all tiers
Legendary Weapons/Class Items Offers Forge-master services and barters for Legendary Items
Brawler Traceries Barters Brawler traceries
Beorning Traceries Barters Beorning traceries
Captain Traceries Barters Captain traceries
Champion Traceries Barters Champion traceries
Guardian Traceries Barters Guardian traceries
Hunter Traceries Barters Hunter traceries
Warden Traceries Barters Warden traceries
Rune-keeper Traceries Barters Rune-keeper traceries
Minstrel Traceries Barters Minstrel traceries
Lore-master Traceries Barters Lore-master traceries
Burglar Traceries Barters Burglar traceries
Word of Power Traceries Barters word of power traceries
Word of Craft Traceries Barters word of craft traceries
Heraldric Traceries Barters heraldry traceries

Old Services and Facilities

Note: These are no longer used, now there are three level bestowers and no training rooms.

Original Training Chamber (1-50)

The training chamber for levels 1-50.

Modeled after The Hall of Fire, this chamber holds many of the Tavern's original NPCs for testing content level 1-50.

NPC Description
Maid of Lions Level-up Bestower
Constant Gardener Level-up Bestower
Amlug Level-up Bestower
Keth Level-up Bestower
Danger Dan Racial Trait Bestower
Wilcomb Outfit Provider
Fantus Allowance Bestower
Avon Raid Gear Bestower
Orion Monster Play Level-up Bestower
Zombie Columbus Skirmish Traits and Skills
Fantus Skirmish Allowance
Harry Twiggins Skirmish Captain
Denour Men of Bree Level-up Bestower
Wrinklor Mathom Society Level-up Bestower
Iceman Thorin's Hall Level-up Bestower
Kehleyr Elves of Rivendell Level-up Bestower
Squidtank Eglain Rep Bestower
Temerity Rangers of Esteldin Level-up Bestower
Slayde Wardens of Annúminas Level-up Bestower
Berenfan Council of the North Level-up Bestower
Scenario Lossoth of Forochel Level-up Bestower

Moria Training Chamber (50-60)

The Moria training chamber.

Mirkwood Training Chamber (60-65)

The Mirkwood training chamber.

Isengard Training Chamber (65-75)

The Isengard training chamber.

Rohan Training Chamber

The Rohan training chamber.

The newest chamber, this room provides advancement to level 85 and equipment from the Rohan region.

NPC Description
Sleepy Level-up Bestower
Offers a one-time quest that advances the player to level 85, and provides them with a suitable assortment of gear.
Shempf Mounted-Combat Trainer
Grants use of War-steeds and provides Steed XP.
Scenario Eastemnet Friend Maker
Provides advancement through the reputation tiers of the East Rohan factions.

DPS Training

The DPS training pit.

Modeled after a portion of Gabilazan, this chamber serves as a space for testing skills and parsing DPS. While in this chamber, players with be subject to a number of buffs: Improved Ancient Wisdom, Improved Tale of Warding, War Banner, Defense Banner, Focus, and Motivated.

NPC Description
Bracknar Hammerhand Training Master
Bruinen Snowpeak Quartermaster
A combination Supplier, Healer, and Provisioner.
Training-dummy of the 65th Order Arch-nemesis
A level 65 training dummy.