Quest:Enemies on the Threshold

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Enemies on the Threshold
Level 130
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Hanksar-mokh
Start Region Elderslade
Map Ref [37.5N, 67.8W]
Quest Group Elderslade
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

In the ruins beside the gates of Mount Gundabad, the forces of Gorgar the Ruthless have built twin encampments known as Hanksar-mokh, the sword-home, and Kulûg-mokh, the spear-home. From these encampments, countless Orcs keep watch on Elderslade, where they remain ever-prepared to slay any who would dare to approach the domain of Gorgar the Ruthless.

You should defeat many of the forces of Gorgar at Hanksar-mokh and Kulûg-mokh.


Gorgar the Ruthless has rallied his forces to Hanksar-mokh and Kulûg-mokh, twin encampments built beside the very gates of Mount Gundabad.

Objective 1

  • Defeat Gorgar's forces at Hanksar-mokh and Kulûg-mokh (0/18)

The forces of Gorgar the Ruthless can be found in Hanksar-mokh and Kulûg-mokh, Orc-encampments that straddle the gates of Mount Gundabad.

Countless numbers of Orcs, trolls, and goblins loyal to Gorgar the Ruthless inhabit Hanksar-mokh and Kulûg-mokh. You should defeat as many as you can to aid the Gabil'akkâ in reclaiming Mount Gundabad.

Objective 2

  • Completed

You have defeated a significant number of Gorgar's forces at Hanksar-mokh and Kulûg-mokh.

You have defeated a significant number of Gorgar's forces at Hanksar-mokh and Kulûg-mokh and done much to clear the path to the gates of Mount Gundabad for the Gabil'akkâ.