The Howling Pit

The Howling Pit (Rukhûsh-minam) is a 3-man instance within Jarnfast in the Iron Hills. Instead of launching from the Instance Finder, the quest can be taken from Náin the Slakeless inside the sealed chamber above the Pit itself and completed once daily.
It is located in a locked cavern underneath Náin's throne room.
This instance is a challenge on-level, especially if you have changed out much of your Mordor & Northern Strongholds gear for gear with better stats but lacking Light of Eärendil. It can be completed solo at level cap as of level 140 (at least by a ranged dps class- melee and lower damage classes may still have difficulties).
Players must face numerous waves of nether creatures in an underground cavern under Grar's Seal. Every wave increases the Mordor Shadow level. Players will ideally need 200 Light of Eärendil as each succeeding wave gives a growing Shadow of Mordor debuff, with the final wave of enemies giving a debuff of 200 Shadow.
Every couple of waves there will be a tentacle wave and they will pick up a player and leave them helpless until another player kills them. After you complete a section of waves you will fight a boss.
Sub-Boss: Elder Dark-maw no problem to beat
- Shadow envelopes you
First Boss: Gráthmun the Gnawer not too bad
- The madding howling grows more persistent
- Further into darkness the howling continues
Second Boss: Hrázla the Loathly has a real mean Reflect he casts on himself called Living Spikes. Its got an icon that looks like 3 slashes on flesh.
- The Howling in the Darkness ceases
A very useful document details the inner working of the quests and critters.
Howling Pit Overview
- [120] The Howling Pit
- The Howling Pit - awarded for finishing the initial wave of enemies. Reward: "Howling Delver" title.
- The Howling Pit (Intermediate) - awarded for finishing the median wave of enemies. Reward: "Howling Warrior" title.
- The Howling Pit (Advanced) - awarded for finishing the final wave of enemies. Reward: "Howling Vanquisher" title, Ashmâr-abân pendant.
Rukhûsh-minam, the Howling Pit, has long been sealed beneath the fortress of Járnfast. At the end of the First Age, the fall of Thangorodrim and the War of Wrath caused major geographic upheaval. Járnfast was shattered and rebuilt, but some of the Nameless creatures that served Morgoth began to trouble the dwarves of the Ironfold. They were eventually sealed in the Howling Pit by Grár the Grave, though it cost his life, and his son Frár ordered the crack above the Pit bound with iron and guarded by enspelled gates and a mithril seal, as is told in the verse Iron Cold.

Settlements and Landmarks of Iron Hills
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Settlements: | Járnfast • Hammerstead | |
Landmarks: | Skald's Drop • The Dáinlik • Hammerstead | |
Interiors: | Craft Hall of Járnfast • Khîl's Home • Olin's Forge | |
Dungeons: | Utterby • Utterby Town Hall | |
Instances: | The Howling Pit |