Light of Eärendil and Shadow of Mordor

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Light of Eärendil and Shadow of Mordor are two counteracting stats introduced with Update 21, the Mordor expansion.

Shadow of Mordor is an effect present in all of the Plateau of Gorgoroth to varying degrees. This effect increases as you move from the main path and go deeper into Mordor.

Light of Eärendil is a stat provided by gear. Items that grant the Light of Eärendil can be obtained in Mordor as drops, quest rewards and can be bartered for with Motes of Enchantment. Light of Eärendil prevents penalties inflicted by Shadow of Mordor, but gives no bonuses in itself.

The Effective Shadow, the difference of your Shadow of Mordor and Light of Eärendil ratings, is indicated by a gauge that appears under your character's Morale and Power indicators when in an area under the Shadow of Mordor:

Light of Eärendil is the white portion of the bar.

Shadow of Mordor is the purple portion of the bar.

An Effective Shadow rating above zero inflicts a debuff (icon: ) which increments every further ten Shadow levels. These increments are accompanied by a brief purple screen flare and your character's legs are engulfed with a purple swirling cloud, visible to you only, not others, not even to those in your Fellowship or Raid grouping. These Shadow of Mordor debuffs reduce your Incoming Healing and Outgoing Damage by 5% for each increment, and increase your Incoming Damage by double that (10% per increment), to a maximum of 10 increments. Note that Incoming Healing includes Potions and Foods!

If you mouse over the icon, you will see a pop-up indicating the effects at each "net" Shadow level containing information similar to the list below.

  • Note: Hope tokens have no effect. The Shadow of Mordor is only countered by the "Light of Eärendil". Light of Eärendil is cumulative.

Some places have Shadow of Mordor greater than the surroundings. This greater Shadow is indicated by an ambient  Shadow of Mordor effect applied to all players within its range. The magnitude of the effect represents the additional Shadow.

Innate Light of Eärendil

Starting at Level 116 players start to gain innate Light of Eärendil starting at 20 at level 116 incrementing by 20 until level 119 where it caps at 80 which is retained up to maximum character level.

Level Light of Eärendil
116 20
117 40
118 60
119 80

150 Light of Eärendil is required for the 12-person Raid The Abyss of Mordath requiring an additional 70 Light of Eärendil from items above the level 119 innate amount.

Effective Shadow Tiers

Shadow of Mordor Debuff
-5% Incoming Healing
+10% Incoming Damage
-5% Outgoing Damage
Shadow of Mordor Debuff
-10% Incoming Healing
+20% Incoming Damage
-10% Outgoing Damage
Shadow of Mordor Debuff
-15% Incoming Healing
+30% Incoming Damage
-15% Outgoing Damage
Shadow of Mordor Debuff
-20% Incoming Healing
+40% Incoming Damage
-20% Outgoing Damage
Shadow of Mordor Debuff
-25% Incoming Healing
+50% Incoming Damage
-25% Outgoing Damage
Shadow of Mordor Debuff
-30% Incoming Healing
+60% Incoming Damage
-30% Outgoing Damage
Shadow of Mordor Debuff
-35% Incoming Healing
+70% Incoming Damage
-35% Outgoing Damage
Shadow of Mordor Debuff
-40% Incoming Healing
+80% Incoming Damage
-40% Outgoing Damage
Shadow of Mordor Debuff
-45% Incoming Healing
+90% Incoming Damage
-45% Outgoing Damage
Shadow of Mordor Debuff
-50% Incoming Healing
+100% Incoming Damage
-50% Outgoing Damage