Category:Elite Master
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Creatures in this category are considered Elite Master (EM) difficulty level. See also Category:Rare Elite Master
Pages in category "Elite Master"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 844 total.
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- Abomination Warrior
- Accursed Fell Spirit (Fornost)
- Agarochir
- Agonakur Dusktooth
- Aignís
- Aigrith the Ashen
- Akalur
- Akhún
- Akrûr
- Ancient Ironscale
- Angmarim Guard
- Angmarim High Priestess (Helegrod)
- Angmarim High Sorcerer
- Angmarim Silkspinner (Helegrod)
- Angmarim Sorceress
- Angmarim Spider-master
- Angmarim Spidersinger
- Arataus
- Armoured Cave-troll
- Armoured Jarn-olog
- Armoured Moria Troll
- Armoured Moria-troll
- Arnmórth the Exacting
- Arnorian Knight
- Arnwi (Mob)
- Ashûrz the Great Goblin
- Athgrat
- Athpukh
- Avalgaith
- Avatar of War
- Azagath's Cunning
- Azagath's Malice
- Azagath's Mettle
- Azbauz
- Azgarzôr
- Barash
- Barrow-wight Caller
- Bearer of Gelid Resolve
- Bel Inzûl Proto-crab
- Bel Inzûl Proto-crow
- Bel Inzûl Proto-salamander
- Beremud
- Black Númenórean Apprentice (The Wastes)
- Black Númenórean Assassin
- Black Númenórean Handler
- Black Uruk Torturer
- Black-guard Constrainer
- Blackroot Darkwater
- Blister of Despair
- Blister of Dread
- Bloated Pit-crawler
- Blogmal Cave-troll
- Blogmal Lieutenant
- Blogmal Mountain-troll
- Blogmal Overseer (Angmar)
- Blogmal Slave-master
- Blogmal Troll-keeper
- Blogmal Warlord (Fornost)
- Blood-hand Thrall
- Blood-hand Warden
- Blood-spirit
- Bloodwing (Angmar)
- Bogbereth Matron
- Boldirith
- Bolg
- Bolgrukh
- Bonetooth
- Brathach
- Broadlimb
- Brosh
- Brumal Grim (Sâri-surma)
- Bráthadan, Scourge of Óinsbridge
- Brúlk
- Bughrakh
- Burzdyr
- Burzgost
- Bánbros, Scourge of Óinsbridge
- Búbhosh-grat
- Cadwalader
- Caerlûg
- Caller of the Bog
- Carchost Sentry
- Carchrien
- Cargûl (Carn Dûm)
- Castellan Wisdán
- Chief Guard Duthúrz
- Chief Warrior Thurgtârk
- Chieftain Gûrsh
- Cinder-drake
- Cledwun (Broadacres)
- Cliff-spinner
- Cliff-spinner (Gorgoroth)
- Cold-drake (Erebor)
- Cold-worm (The Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra)
- Commander Piztor
- Commander Târsh
- Commander Unudhu
- Conscripted Warrior
- Corsair Captain (Tarlang's Crown)
- Corsair Raider (Warband)
- Crackskull
- Crúmgam
- Cursed Banner-bearer
- Cursed Britou
- Cursed Maonir
- Cursed Warrior (Central Gondor)
- Dafrim
- Dagron
- Dale Truitt
- Dark World-eater
- Dark-maw Master (Dâr Narbugud)
- Darûkûrz
- Deadly Krahjarn
- Deadly Lithûl
- Defender of the Span
- Devoted Ritualist
- Dhugluk
- Dhît
- Disturbed Captain
- Dolguzigir the Dark Archivist
- Dorozg the Beast Tamer
- Dour-root
- Dreadful Nirgambâr Spirit
- Dreadful Utug-bûr Spirit
- Drear-root
- Drukordh
- Dulgabêth the Broken
- Dunhoth Lake-lord
- Dunlending Archer (Stonedeans Warband)
- Dunlending Captain (Stonedeans)
- Durflágit
- Durkâr
- Dushkâl
- Duvárdain Blood-dancer (Gath Forthnír)
- Duvárdain Oath-sworn
- Dâl
- Dígelir
- Easterling Captain (The Dome of Stars)
- Easterling Sorcerer-lord
- Edan
- Éin
- Einiora
- Elder Fettered Spirit
- Elder Morelendil Guard
- Elite Dunlending Archer
- Elite Dunlending Captain
- Elite Dunlending Warrior
- Embittered Shadow-guard
- Enthralled Frost-caller (The Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra)
- Enthralled Guardian (The Hiddenhoard of Abnankâra)
- Ergoth
- Eshêgur the Reaper
- Esyld
- Fallows Harrier
- Fangorn Huorn
- Fearrhorn
- Fell-beast (The Dome of Stars)
- Fell-troll
- Ferndúr the Virulent (Nan Tornaeth)
- Fiery Morelendil Guard
- Fire-drake (Rift)
- Fire-drake Elder
- Fire-drake Matron
- Fire-drake Warden
- Firehorn Axe-man
- Firehorn Rune-carver
- Firehorn Soldier
- Folkár
- Forvengwath
- Fragment of Despair
- Fragment of Dread
- Frenzied Wood-troll
- Frûzgûl
- Fúshbraf
- Gaerdring
- Gaerthel
- Gaeruan
- Gajarpan
- Gathaz
- Gaunt Battle-caller
- Gaunt Death-lord
- Gaunt Shade-caller
- Ghar Jâdam Elder
- Ghashanuz (Illusion)
- Ghân-gharâf Queen
- Ghâshfra Defiler
- Ghâshfra Scrapper
- Ghâshfra Seer
- Ghâshfra Summoner
- Giant Ambarûli Crocodile (Tûl Zakana)
- Giant Gorge-crawler
- Gillë Andras
- Girwael
- Glendower
- Glewlûd
- Globsnaga Guard (Dâr Narbugud)
- Globsnaga Guard (Skûmfil)
- Globsnaga Skirmisher (Dâr Narbugud)
- Globsnaga-troll