Quest:The Dome of Stars -- Tier 1

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The Dome of Stars -- Tier 1
Level 100
Type Fellowship
Repeatable Yes
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Osgiliath Culverts
Start Region Eastern Gondor
Map Ref [62.7S, 8.8W]
Ends at Dome of Stars
End Region Eastern Gondor
Map Ref [61.5S, 9.1W]
Quest Group The Dome of Stars
Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

"On the eve of Sauron's assault against Minas Tirith, ships of Umbar sail up-river to the White City. Meanwhile, atop the Dome of Stars, the Black Blade of Lebennin casts a dark shadow over Osgiliath and the host of Minas Morgul below. If his spirit cannot be banished to Mordor before uncovering Aragorn's gambit, it could spell doom for all of Middle-earth."


The Black Blade of Lebennin poses a grave threat, not only to the Rangers of Ithilien but also to Aragorn and his host, for he holds a valued prisoner atop Osgiliath and will soon fly to the black sails upon the Anduin in search of the Scourge. Unknown to him, the Scourge has already been defeated, and now Aragorn sails east in secret - a secret that, if discovered, could doom all.

Objective 1

Defeat the Black Blade of Lebennin before he can learn of Aragorn's gambit.

Haradrim Champion says, He'll kill us all, you fools!

Upâl-keng has been defeated!

Morgul Warrior says, The Eye has no use for cowards, Harad-filth!

Morgul Captain says, That's far enough, <race>-filth!

You disgust me!
Stand aside!

Morgul Corrupter says, Bathe in the Master's strength!

You call yourself an Orc?

Easterling Keeper says, On your feet! Rest waits for death!

Easterling Captain says, None but the servants of the Great Eye may cross this bridge!

Your mighty blow defeated the Black-guard Door-warden.

The shadows barring the door begin to weaken ...

Your mighty blow defeated the Black-guard Door-warden.

The door to the Hall of the Osgiliath-stone flies open with a shriek!

The Black Blade of Lebennin says, Long have you battled and much have you sacrificed to gaze upon your doom!

Look below! The Scourge of Umbar and the host of Minas Morgul shall lay waste to Minas Tirith!
Yet that is not your fate, mortals... you shall be the first to die!
You shall only find death in Osgiliath!
Your memories burden you, <name>. I shall free you of them!

Gorothúl says, Now do you understand the true meaning of terror?

Achardor says, You abandoned me to death, <name>! Has your courage failed you again?

Mazog says, Is this some joke? You are fools to have come here!

Gorothúl says, I cannot allow you to do this, <race>.

Achardor says, None can defy the Masters and live!

Mazog says, Latu gadhumúrz bagu!

The Black Blade of Lebennin says, Feed, my pet! They have nowhere to run!

Death is all that awaits those that defy the might of Sauron!
The darkness shall crush you!
You may cast off these robes, but ever shall I escape death! The fate of Minas Tirith cannot be undone...

Your mighty blow defeated The Black Blade of Lebennin.

Completed: The Dome of Stars -- Tier 1