
(Redirected from Saeradan (Eregion))
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Saeradan (Sindarin for Bitter Man) is one of the Rangers of the North who for years have protected the Middle-earth from dangers and evilness. The other Rangers consider him more settled, calmer and wiser, to the extent that they are willing to wait for him rather than make haste.

Saeradan is also respected by the Men of Bree, some scarcely believe that he is "one of those Rangers" because he is more outgoing and may even, lo and behold, spare his neighbours a smile.

Saeradan is also skilled in Black Speech and the other Rangers turn to him for interpretation when necessary. Altogether he plays an important role in the story arc, but he is not known from Tolkien's fictional realm.

Saeradan will appear at different locations throughout this tale.

Saeradan (Bree-land)

Image of Saeradan
Role Stable-master
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Bree-land
Area Northern Bree-fields
Landmark Saeradan's Cabin
Map Ref [25.6S, 52.9W]

Saeradan is seen at his cabin north of Bree, quite close to the North-South Road that he has been watching over for many, many years. Recently he have grown more worried about the increasing presence of brigands, goblins and orcs, but also that the wildlife seems disturbed and aggressive.

Quest Involvement

Epic Quests:


Saeradan provides horse and pony rides to the following destination, and it is not "quick travel":

Destination Region Cost Prerequisites
Candaith's Camp Lone-lands Free Accepted quest Vol I, Book 2, Foreword: Aiding the Order


"You have done well in defeating Ivar the Bloodhand!"
"It is rumoured that the gaunt-men are creatures of great power twisted by Morgoth in the First were fortunate to survive against Ivar."

Saeradan (Eregion)

Image of Saeradan
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Eregion
Area Glâd Ereg
Settlement Gwingris
Map Ref [40.0S, 16.5W]

Later Saeradan is summoned and travels to Gwingris in Eregion to join the Grey Company before the ride southward.

Quest Involvement

Saeradan (Enedwaith)

Image of Saeradan
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Enedwaith
Area Windfells
Settlement Echad Saeradan
Map Ref [63.8S, 17.5W]

Afterwards, Saeradan guides the Grey Company as they travel south on their journey and makes his encampment at Echad Saeradan within Enedwaith. Now Saeradan's wisdom and calmness will save the company from many problems, and his knowledge in Black Speech will prove very useful, as his knowledge in tales of old.

Quest Involvement

Epic Quests:


"There are strange things afoot in the Windfells. We must remain alert if we are not to run afoul of them."
"They took offence at the name Algraig? Then we will say Uch-lûth from here on."

Saeradan (Dunland)

Image of Saeradan
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Dunland
Area South Gravenwood
Settlement Rohirrim Scout-camp
Map Ref [81.0S, 10.6W]

Journeying onwards into Dunland, Saeradan first appears briefly in Tûr Morva and later in the Rohirrim Scout-camp, investigating the villainous plans of Gwyllion with his companions Amlan and Andreg.

Quest Involvement


Epic Quests:

Saeradan (Lhanuch)

Image of Saeradan
Gender Male
Race Man
Region Enedwaith
Area Nan Laeglin
Settlement Lhanuch
Map Ref [66.9S, 16.9W]

After the events at Tûr Morva and Methedras Peak, Saeradan makes his way back to Eriador, returning his fallen comrades to their ancestral home.

Quest Involvement