Quest:Cave Growth

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Cave Growth
Level 135
Type Solo
Starts with Fuisach
Starts at Eiricháv
Start Region Câr Bronach
Map Ref [56.1N, 71.4W]
Ends with Fuisach
Ends at Eiricháv
End Region Câr Bronach
Quest Group Gundabad: Câr Bronach
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Fuisach coughs and shakes his head.

'There is something about the air in Eiricháv. It does not feel right. I believe there may be mould on the cave walls. Would you search out and dispose of any mould that you find in the cave?'


Fuisach of the Trév Dúvardain finds the air in Eiricháv quite unacceptable.

Objective 1

Eiricháv can be found in north west Câr Bronach.

You should clear the mould from Eiricháv.

Cleared mould from Eiricháv (10/10)

Objective 2

Eiricháv can be found in north west Câr Bronach.

You should talk to Fuisach.

Fuisach: 'The air already feels better! Yes, I believe you have found the problem! Thank you!'