Quest:A Warning to Tâg Fógarrach

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A Warning to Tâg Fógarrach
Level 135
Type Solo
Starts with Monathár
Starts at Eiricháv
Start Region Câr Bronach
Map Ref [56.1N, 71.4W]
Ends with Monathár
Ends at Eiricháv
End Region Câr Bronach
Quest Group Gundabad: Câr Bronach
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'Be them our brothers or not, those hillmen who remain loyal to the Iron Crown have chosen a different road. Pleas and reason do not sway them from their needless subjugation. I speak of those at Tâg Fógarrach with both anger and sadness, <race>.

'If their conditions become unbearable, perhaps they will flee or change their ways. I know not. If you venture to Tâg Fógarrach burn their supplies. Those supplies are nothing more than thinly veiled gifts of loyalty from the Iron Crown.'


Monathár of the Trév Dúvardain seeks to send a warning to those hillmen of Tâg Fógarrach who align with the Iron Crown.

Objective 1


  • Pick up a torch to burn supplies

Tâg Fógarrach can be found in western Câr Bronach.

You should burn supplies at Tâg Fógarrach.

Note: Torches can be dropped by right clicking the induction bar.

Burned supplies at Tâg Fógarrach (10/10)

Objective 2

Eiricháv can be found in north west Câr Bronach.

You should talk to Monathár.

Monathár: 'Even if just one hillman retreats from Tâg Fógarrach to join us at Eiricháv, then I will consider your work a success. I thank you for assisting us.'