Quest:The Common Enemy

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The Common Enemy
Level 135
Type Solo
Starts with Mézto
Starts at Grúmachath
Start Region Câr Bronach
Map Ref [50.2N, 68.6W]
Ends with Soltakh
Ends at Eiricháv
End Region Câr Bronach
Map Ref [56.1N, 71.4W]
Quest Group Gundabad: Câr Bronach
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

'While we have managed to take Grúmachath, our numbers are too little to succeed against the Angmarim and Dourhands. If the Gabil'akkâ is to succeed in Câr Bronach, we may need some allies. I have sent my best scout, Uzvát, to seek out potential allies in the mountains. My hopes were not high.

'To my surprise, Uzvát returned with word of a group of hillmen working against the Angmarim. They work from a secret cave, high upon the slopes to the north. You and Uzvát are to return to Eiricháv and offer our assistance. We must show these hillmen that the Zhélruka are willing to work with them to hurry their cause.'


The Zhélruka expedition and a faction of hillmen may share a common goal and common enemy upon the slopes of Câr Bronach.

Objective 1

Eiricháv can be found in north west Câr Bronach.

You should travel to Eiricháv.

Objective 2

  • Talk to Uzvát outside Eiricháv

Eiricháv can be found in north west Câr Bronach.

You should talk to Uzvát outside Eiricháv.

Uzvát: 'This is the cave of Eiricháv, <name>. I have already made an initial contact with the group. It seems your name precedes you, as a couple of the hillmen seem to already know who you are. They are expecting you within, my friend.'

Objective 3

  • Enter Eiricháv

Eiricháv can be found in north west Câr Bronach.

You should enter Eiricháv.

Familiar echoes command you further into the cave

Objective 4

Eiricháv can be found in north west Câr Bronach.

You should talk to Soltakh of the Trév Gállorg in Eiricháv.

Soltakh: 'It has been a long while, <name>. I would wager that you did not expect to see those of the Trév Duvárdain and the Trév Gállorg working as one. Yet, here we are.
'You have met our leader, Domongart, before. He is on an urgent mission of diplomacy in the north. That is all that I can say. I have heard from Uzvát that you wish to assist us in our efforts. You have assisted me in the past. I know that you will be able to do so once more, old friend.
'The Trév Duvárdain have been sundered by choice. Many remain loyal to the Iron Crown. Those here see the folly in servitude. Assist us in our efforts here and then we will consider returning the favour to assist the Zhélruka.'

Objective 5

Eiricháv can be found in north west Câr Bronach.

You should complete quests for the hillmen in Eiricháv.

Objective 6

  • Talk to Soltakh of the Trév Gállorg in Eiricháv

Eiricháv can be found in north west Câr Bronach.

You should talk to Soltakh of the Trév Gállorg in Eiricháv.

Soltakh: 'You have done well. We thank you for your assistance. Just as you have already done, I continue to make a name for myself in these lands.'