Quest:The Key to Chaos

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The Key to Chaos
Level 113
Type Solo
Starts with Landscape
Starts at Naerband
Start Region Talath Úrui
Quest Chain Mordor: Talath Úrui
Quest Text

Bestowal Dialogue

Many prisoner voices wail through the walls of Naerband. Perhaps if you could find some jailer keys, you might be able to let loose some of the denizens of Naerband.


The prison fortress of Naerband is populated by vile acts and jailed denizens.

Objective 1

  • Collect keys from jailers in Naerband (0/12)

Naerband is located in Talath Urui.

You should collect keys from jailers in Naerband.

KEY "A key used to lock cells."
Collected keys (12/12)

Objective 2

  • Open prison doors (0/12)

Naerband is located in Talath Úrui.

You should free prisoners in Naerband.

PRISON CELL "A door to a prison cell."
Opened prison doors (12/12)

Objective 3

  • Completed

Attempted to free many prisoners in Naerband.

After opening numerous prison doors to free prisoners in Naerband, you realize that Thraknül is not just capturing Nurnhoth, but also many of the Orcs and Uruks formerrly under the command of Sauron. Either Thraknül is vying for power or he has gone mad.