Category:Mordor: Talath Úrui Quests
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- [113] Lost Lore of Gorgoroth: Talath Úrui -
Shadowed Page - Landscape
- [113] Lost Lore of Gorgoroth: Talath Úrui -
- Magh Ashtu
- [112] The Shattered Plateau
- [112] The Fushaum Conflict
- All quests in this section are repeatable with a two-minute cooldown until The Fushaum Resolution is completed, after which they become unavailable and non-repeatable copies of these quests becomes available. See below.
- Enmity of Fushaum Bal South faction
- [112] Fushaum Bal South: Attacking the Unwelcome - Landscape
- [112] Fushaum Bal South: Destroying the Watch - Landscape
- At least Outsider standing
- [112] Fushaum Bal South: A Small Act of Kindness - Only positive reputation
- [112] Fushaum Bal South: Dealing in Stealing
- [112] Fushaum Bal South: Khirgi's Bridge Guards
- [112] Fushaum Bal South: Turning Sides
- Neutral standing
- [112] Fushaum Bal South: Khirgi’s Elite
- [112] Fushaum Bal South: Khirgi's Scouts
- [112] Fushaum Bal South: The Bandit's Stash - Only positive reputation
- Enmity of Fushaum Bal North faction
- [112] Fushaum Bal North: Attacking the Lawless - Landscape
- [112] Fushaum Bal North: Burning the Lawless - Landscape
- At least Outsider standing
- [112] Fushaum Bal North: Deceptive Challenger
- [112] Fushaum Bal North: Need for Greed
- [112] Fushaum Bal North: Shatúrro's Hired Hands
- [112] Fushaum Bal North: The Daily Feed - Only positive reputation
- Neutral standing
- [112] Fushaum Bal North: Collecting Tribute - Only positive reputation
- [112] Fushaum Bal North: Fushaum Bal Raiders
- [112] Fushaum Bal North: Shatúrro the Spear
- [112] The Fushaum Resolution - You don't need to currently have Neutral standing with both factions to complete this, reaching it once per faction is enough
- [112] The Shattered Plateau
- Fushaum Bal
- After completing the quests above, mostly non-repeatable copies of the previously repeatable quests become available. These quests only reward positive reputation
- Warning: Defeating enemies inside Fushaum Bal still decreases your reputation. Chapter 4.1: The Meeting of the Masters will require you to kill enemies that decrease your reputation.
- Enmity of Fushaum Bal South faction
- [112] A Small Act of Kindness - Repeatable
- [112] Attacking the Unwelcome - Landscape
- [112] Dealing in Stealing
- [112] Destroying the Watch - Landscape
- [112] Khirgi's Bridge Guards
- [112] Khirgi’s Elite
- [112] Khirgi's Scouts
- [112] The Bandit's Stash
- [112] Turning Sides
- Enmity of Fushaum Bal South faction
- Enmity of Fushaum Bal North faction
- [112] Attacking the Lawless - Landscape
- [112] Burning the Lawless - Landscape
- [112] Collecting Tribute
- [112] Deceptive Challenger
- [112] Fushaum Bal Raiders
- [112] Need for Greed
- [112] Shatúrro the Spear
- [112] Shatúrro’s Hired Hands
- [112] The Daily Feed - Repeatable
- Enmity of Fushaum Bal North faction
- Magh Ashtu
- [112] Under the Fires of Orodruin - Requires completion of The Shattered Plateau
- Thorzhaf
- [112] Think Like an Orc
- [112] The Waiting List
- [112] A Small Task
- [112] Swaying the Match
- Naerband
- [113] Tales From Naerband
- [113] The Gates of Naerband
- [113] Breaking the Chains
- [113] For the Oppressed
- [113] Freeing the Nurnhoth
- [113] Into Naerband
- [113] Servants of Urudanî - Landscape
- [113] The Key to Chaos - Landscape
- [113] The Madness of Thraknûl - Landscape
- [113] Escape From Naerband
- Nargroth
- [113] Playing With Fire - Landscape
- [113] Cavern Drakes - Landscape
- [113] Fires of Nargroth - Landscape
- [113] Nargroth Devoted - Landscape
- [113] Seeking Dúrossul
- [113] Seeking Nargúr
- [113] Seeking Narthalum
- [113] The Ancient Ward
- [113] Borangos the Horror
Watching Stone at [58.2S, 16.5E]
- [112] The Cursed Stone
Watching Stone at [60.2S, 21.8E]
- [113] The Darkened Pool
- [113] Drakes of the Ghâshghurm - Landscape
- [113] Fires of the Ghâshghurm - Landscape
- [113] Lurking in the Flames - Landscape
- [113] Ghâshghurm Devoted - Landscape
- Dâr Mauzur
- [112] Ugrukhôr's Loyal - Landscape
- [112] Remnants of the Captain's Forces - Landscape
- [112] Rational Motives - Landscape
- [112] Destroying Blades - Landscape
Pages in category "Mordor: Talath Úrui Quests"
The following 65 pages are in this category, out of 65 total.
- Quest:Fires of Nargroth
- Quest:Fires of the Ghâshghurm
- Quest:For the Oppressed
- Quest:Freeing the Nurnhoth
- Quest:Fushaum Bal North: Attacking the Lawless
- Quest:Fushaum Bal North: Burning the Lawless
- Quest:Fushaum Bal North: Collecting Tribute
- Quest:Fushaum Bal North: Deceptive Challenger
- Quest:Fushaum Bal North: Fushaum Bal Raiders
- Quest:Fushaum Bal North: Need for Greed
- Quest:Fushaum Bal North: Shatúrro the Spear
- Quest:Fushaum Bal North: Shatúrro's Hired Hands
- Quest:Fushaum Bal North: The Daily Feed
- Quest:Fushaum Bal South: A Small Act of Kindness
- Quest:Fushaum Bal South: Attacking the Unwelcome
- Quest:Fushaum Bal South: Dealing in Stealing
- Quest:Fushaum Bal South: Destroying the Watch
- Quest:Fushaum Bal South: Khirgi's Bridge Guards
- Quest:Fushaum Bal South: Khirgi's Scouts
- Quest:Fushaum Bal South: Khirgi’s Elite
- Quest:Fushaum Bal South: The Bandit's Stash
- Quest:Fushaum Bal South: Turning Sides
- Quest:The Fushaum Conflict
- Quest:The Fushaum Resolution