Quest:The Gredbyg of Torech Ungol

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The Gredbyg of Torech Ungol
Level 124
Type Solo
Starts with Legolas
Starts at Cirith Ungol
Start Region Morgul Vale
Map Ref [61.4S, 4.5E]
Quest Chain Imlad Morgul: Cirith Ungol
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Bestowal dialogue

'Beyond the spiders, it seems that various gredbyg have also responded to the call of Shelob and taken up residence in Torech Ungol. Do not let your guard down; they are also dangerous in great numbers.'


The other children of Shelob, the Gredbyg, have also taken up residence in Torech Ungol.

Objective 1

Many gredbyg have responded to the call of Shelob and taken up residence in her lair.

You should defeat gredbyg inside Torech Ungol.

Objective 2

Legolas is standing by outside Torech Ungol.

You should talk to Legolas.

Legolas: 'Did you defeat the gredbyg? Excellent work, <name>. I know not how many more there are, or how deep they live inside. They may be Ungwetári's children, but they are unlike the spiders in many ways, and pose different threats.'