Quest:The Schemes of the Pale Herald

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The Schemes of the Pale Herald
Level 124
Type Solo
Starts with Legolas
Starts at Echad Taerdim
Start Region Morgul Vale
Map Ref [61.9S, 0.6W]
Ends with Legolas
Ends at Cirith Ungol
End Region Morgul Vale
Map Ref [61.7S, 1.2E]
Quest Chain Imlad Morgul: Cirith Ungol
[hide]Quest Text

Bestowal dialogue

'It is time for Felgúr to make himself useful. Have him track down his kin. I will be watching from nearby, but will keep to the shadows.'


The time has come to track the Ungoledain and Rûkhor the Pale Herald with the aid of Felgúr.

Objective 1

Legolas has asked you to unbind Felgúr and send him on his mission.

You should talk to Felgúr in Echad Taerdim.

Felgúr: You untie Felgúr and let him know it is time to begin tracking down the rest of the Ungoledain. He looks around sheepishly, still not entirely trusting of the Rangers or of Legolas. When he is at least mostly convinced he is not about to be shot full of arrows, he nods to you.
'I will find them! Let us start by heading east.'

Objective 2

Felgúr has begun tracking the other Ungoledain.

You should travel with Felgúr.

Felgúr sniffs the air and points south-east

Objective 3

Felgúr has begun tracking the other Ungoledain.

You should travel with Felgúr.

Felgúr nods at you and points south

Objective 4

Felgúr has begun tracking the other Ungoledain.

You should travel with Felgúr.

Felgúr grimaces and points north

Objective 5

Felgúr has begun tracking the other Ungoledain.

You should travel with Felgúr.

Legolas calls to you from nearby

Objective 6

Legolas has appeared near an Uruk camp in eastern Cirith Ungol.

You should talk to Legolas.

Legolas: 'Hold, friend. It seems we are on the right track. There is no sign of the Ungoledain, but we did find Rûkhor's uruks. I propose we investigate the camp while we are here. Perhaps we can glean some clue as to Rûkhor's abilities and his motivation for seeking Ungwetári.'

Objective 7

Felgúr would like to speak with you.

You should talk to Felgúr.

Felgúr: 'Are you going in there? Eh, that was not part of my bargain. I do not think I can fight those big white Orcs without the power of the Spider. I do not smell my kin here. I might wait with the Elf, or continue the search. You can find me later.'

Objective 8

  • Find Rûkhor's first orders to Zabothak
  • Find Rûkhor's second orders to Zabothak
  • Find Rûkhor's third orders to Zabothak
  • Find Rûkhor's fourth orders to Zabothak

Legolas has asked you to find evidence of Rûkhor's plans in Kaslokroz.

You should find written orders to the Uruk lieutenants.

Zabothak, my most loyal servant.

Belzagar has sent word. The tower must be reinforced at once or be lost to the spider-horde. Rally with Ugrukhôr's forces and re-take the tower, or Shelob may be set loose upon Gorgoroth or the Morgul Vale. Do not fail me.

Fear not, my servant. I lay the blame for this defeat on the traitor Ugrukhôr. If he had delivered the forces he promised me, the tower would be secure. His excuses do nothing but tire me. We owe no allegiance to the Lady of Blight. I care nothing for the false king Gothmog. I will be fotmulating a new plan. Stand by to receive new orders.

I have had an epiphany. Perhaps Shelob is not a problem we can solve. Perhaps she is not a problem at all.
Rally the Bloodless. We will enter the Morgul Vale. We will enter Torech Ungol. We will find Her Ladyship Ungwetári and rouse her from her den.

Thus far, we have been unable to locate Shelob's den in the maze of tunnels in Torech Ungol, but we may finally have a solution. The scouts have located a tribe of primitive Men recently arrived to the west. They have been seen skin-changing into spiders! I believe these may be the Ungoledain that Karazgar mentioned. And if they have come all the way here... perhaps they also hear the call of the Spider-queen.
Prepare for a delegation.

Objective 9

Legolas is waiting near Kaslokroz.

You should talk to Legolas.

Legolas: 'What have you learned, <name>?'
You tell Legolas of the orders you found in the uruk camp.
'Rûkhor is using the Ungoledain to seek Ungwetári? To what end? Does he intend to try to control her? Surely he is not so foolish. But it is true: pride seems a common flaw among the Gúrzyul.
'If Rûkhor and the Ungoledain were not at this camp, they must have already left for Torech Ungol. We do not know Rûkhor's plan, but if he succeeds in rousing Ungwetári, she will be unleashed upon all of us! I cannot fathom the terrible rampage he may incite. Her ravenous hunger will never be sated!
'We must hurry after them. We have no other choice.'